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Član borivoj







OD 14.01.2018.

What Really Is Poison Milk?

What Really Is Poison Milk?
Nadam se da ovo nije neka dezinformacija, s toga odašiljem Vam ovaj tekst sa fotkama kojeg sam zaprimio od poštovane gđa. Ivane Paškvan iz Rijeke. Ukoliko do sada nije objavljen, molim Vas postavite ga na MAGICUS. Lijepi pozdrav poštovanoj Iridi, Boro.

China milk poisoning incidents make
everyone afraid to look at the daily news report. Everyday, the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and not to eat.

What really is poisoned milk

It is the milk powder mixed with "MELAMINE"

What is Melamine use for It is an industrial chemical
use in the production of melawares.

It is also used in home decoration.
"US resistant board"

Do you understand Melamine is use in industrial production it
cannot be eaten

2.Why is Melamine added in milk powder

The most important nutrient in milk is protein. And Melamine has the same protein that contains "NITROGEN"

Adding Melamine in milk reduces milk content and it is cheaper then milk so it
lowers capitalization.
It can give the business man more profit!

below is Melamine doesn't it look like milk
it doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected

3.When was it discovered

Year 2007
US cats and dogs died suddenly, they found that pet food from China contains Melamine.

Starting 2008, In China, an abnormal increase
in infant cases of kidney stones.

August 2008 China Sanlu Milk Powder tested
with Melamine

Sept. 2008 New Zealand gov't ask China to check this problem
Sept. 21, 2008
Lots of food products in Taiwan tested with Melamine

What happens when Melamine is digested

Melamine remains inside the kidney. It forms into stones
blocking the tubes. Pain will be eminent and person cannot urinate. Kidney will then swell.

Although surgery can remove the stones, but it will cause irreversible kidney damage.  It can lead to loss of kidney function and will require
kidney dialysis or lead to death because of uremia.

What is dialysis
In fact, it should be called "blood washing"
it is filtering all of the body's blood into the machine and then go back to the body.

The whole process takes 4 hours and it is necessary to dialysis once for
every 3 days for the rest of your life

Here is a dialysis center

Large dialysis center

A small hole is required in the arm to insert the
sub-dialysis catheter.

Why is it more serious in babies Because the kidney is very small and they drink a lot of milk powder.

Here is a baby undergoing dialysis.

China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized

It does not matter how much a human being took
Melamine. The important point is "It cannot be EATEN!"

5.What are the foods to be avoided?

Foods that contain dairy products should be avoided.

Remember: Foods with creamer or milk should
be avoided.

6.Which companies are affected

Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.

7.What do we do next

Avoid the above foods for at least six months

If you have snack bar, restaurant or coffee shops
Stop selling dairy products for the meantime.

If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk
or find other substitutes.

Finally, share this information with friends so
They will understand the risk of milk poisoning

Managing Director


 Your Virtual Office in Makati
       www. multibusiness.com.ph
           Tel. No.  (632) 818-77-52
           Fax. No. (632) 817-07-09
                   (Since 1978)

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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, sretan i radostan vam ovaj dan. Uživajte i odmorite se. Lp

    01.05.2024. 07:55h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro i od mene svima!

    29.04.2024. 11:49h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro i od mene svima!

    29.04.2024. 11:49h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, lijep i radostan dan vam želim. Lp

    29.04.2024. 06:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas ujutro pogledam broj posjetitelja , a ono iznenađenje: 59.009.626 dakle pedesettevetmilijona pregleda. Impozantno. Lp

    26.04.2024. 07:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
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