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Član irida







Onaj tko malo treba, uvijek će imati viška!

Onaj tko malo treba, uvijek će imati viška!
Ako se stalno žališ, život će ti dati razloge za kuknjavu.

Tko stalno kuka da nema, ni ne može imati.

Kome je malo dovoljno, taj je bogat čovjek.

Sreći treba otvoriti vrata, ona u ničiji život ne provaljuje.

Ako se stalno žališ, život će ti dati razloge za kuknjavu.

Ići naprijed znači svladavanje prepreka, a ne život bez prepreka. 

Onaj tko malo treba, uvijek će imati viška!

Skromnost nije nedostatak ambicija, skromnost je oblik zahvalnosti.




  • 05.02.2020. 12:20h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "The person we believe we are"......


    *Prema tradiciji, najgora sramota za ljudsko biće je razdvajanje tonskog i nahualnog. Trenutno su uvijek odvojiti u našoj sferi - naše jaje ili auru. Kad smo se probudili, tonska energija kreće se oko naše glave, a nahualna energija se kreće oko našeg pupka, okrećući se suprotno jedan od drugog i nikad se ne okupljajući. Kad spavamo, ton se tjera nahualno kroz jetru, a zatim se nahual pomiče prema gore. Odavde se širi u svijet snova, proširujući našu percepciju tako da uključuje zemlju mrtvih, Mictlan, dok spavamo. Ujutro, prije nego što se probudimo, nahualna izvuče ton kroz jetru, ton se kreće prema gore i još jednom se vraćamo osobi u koju vjerujemo da smo, identitet koji smo sebi stvorili tonski. Ako smo, kao i većina ljudi, sanjali bez sjećanja na svoje snove, a ako to ne promijenimo odgovarajućim treningom, naši snovi postat će naša budućnost iznova i iznova dok ne umremo. Prema tradiciji, ovaj proces je poznat kao „Mjesečeve nevidljivom zatvoru”. To se odnosi na nahual i naše vlastite snove umjesto na pravi mjesec. Naši preci vjerovali su da je misija svake osobe na Zemlji srušiti Mjesečev zatvor i preuzeti vlastite snove - i svoj život.*

    *The idea that the tonal, the waking state that we think is real, along with all we have endured and enjoyed in our life, is only a visual angle is an idea that absolutely fascinates me. Imagine — the illusion in which all of us live is a reflection in a mirror which exists and doesn’t exist at the same time.*

    *It was very weird for me to be standing in front of a mirror gazing into nothingness and contemplating what I would have called the void. Then Armando said, ‘This is what we truly are, and when we understand this, we can be everything.’ He forced me to remain there for a long time, smiling at a mirror that was reflecting nothing back,*

    *(Tonal comes from Tonatiuh, sun, the one who produces heat. According to our Mexican ancestors, the cosmos manifests in all human beings. Cosmic order is our own order. So, as the sun produces heat, it emits information to our teotl, our energy. At the human level, then, the tonal is a body of energy that produces heat, exactly as the sun does. It can be seen as an amber radiance around our head when we’re awake and/or in a conscious state and it governs our perception then. Since it is the sun that supplies this power, a group of people who are gathering together in a room, for example, will see the same ‘reality’ — what the sun makes them see. On the other hand, a person who is sleeping in that room will see a totally different reality — their
    dreams — since their tonal is not over their head and not governing their perception. (This is also true of someone who is on the path of the nahual and is capable of altering their perception at will.) To sum up, the tonal is the perception attached to physical matter and to our five senses. It is governed by sunlight and responsible for creating our identity and location in time and space when we are awake. Nahual comes from two words: nehua, which means ‘I’, and nahualli, which means ‘what can be extended’. In the ancient cosmology, it refers to everything that extends beyond the tonal — that is, who we really are. The tonal is solely ruled by solar energy, but the nahual is ruled by the energy of the whole universe, and mainly by the energy of the moon, Venus and the Pleiades. At a human level, we can detect this energy as a bluish-grey radiance, similar to the cold moon’s light, that is located around the navel when we are awake but moves up around the head when we are asleep or when we enter an altered state of consciousness. The nahual is the energy body that travels to the world of slumber, the one in which we dream. That’s why we perceive things differently when sleeping and dreaming. The nahual also allows us to go to the Mictlan, the land of the dead, and to other worlds. In other words, when we’re asleep, we’re very close to being what is known nowadays as a spirit. The nahual is dual in character: we can dream about creating or destroying. We can also dream in the land of the dead about our old patterns, the old winds, what is known in the oriental tradition as karma and dharma )*

    *"Kako su žene izgubile svoju direktnu vezu sa znanjem?" upitah. "Nisu žene izgubile svoju vezu," ispravi me Esperanca. "Žene i dalje imaju tu direktnu vezu sa duhom. Samo su zaboravile kako da je koriste ili tačnije, one su prihvatile da imitiraju muško uverenje da je uopšte ne poseduju. Hiljadama godina su se muškarci borili da žene to zaborave. Uzmi na primer Svetu Inkviziciju. To je bilo sistematsko čišćenje, uništavanje svesti o tome da žene imaju direktnu vezu sa duhom. Sve organizovane religije nisu ništa dmgo do vrlo uspešan manevar da se žene stave na što nižu poziciju. Religije prizivaju božiji zakon koji kaže da su žene inferiorne." Zapanjeno sam je posmatrala, pitajući se odakle njoj tolika učenost i načitanost. "Želja muškaraca za dominacijom i ženski nedostatak interesa da izraze i formulišu šta znaju i kako znaju čine đavolski pakt," nastavi Esperanca. "Taj pakt je otvorio mogućnost da žene od dana svog rođenja budu primoravane da prihvate da ispunjenje njihovih života leži u stvaranju domaćinstva, u ljubavi, braku, deci i samoodricanju. Žene su isključene iz dominantnih formi apstraktne misli i učene da budu zavisne. Toliko su temeljno ubeđivane u ispravnost teorije da muškarci treba da misle za njih, da su najzad stvarno prestale da misle." "Žene su sasvim sposobne da misle," upadoh. "Žene su sposobne da formulišu ono što su naučile," ispravi me Esperanca. "A to što su učile su definisali muškarci. Muškarci definišu i samu suštinu znanja a iz nje su isključili ono što se odnosi na žene. A ono što nije isključeno a odnosi se na žene uvek ima negativne konotacije. A žene su to prihvatile." *


    *Zuleika j'e, kao i Florinda, bila vrlo lepa; možda ne toliko atraktivna ali iepa, na neki eteričan način. Bila je majušna. Imala je tamne oči i izvij'ene obrve. Mali, savršen nos i lepa usta. Lice joj je bilo uokvireno talasastom, tamnom kosom koja je počinjala da sedi. To je naglašavalo njenu auru osobe, poznavaoca drugog sveta. Njena lepota nije bila prosečna, obična lepota već uzvišena, uslovljena njenom potpunom samokontrolom. Ona je bila savršeno svesna komične strane lepote i privlačnosti u očima dmgih. Umela je to da prepozna i koristila je to kao da je neka nagrada koju je dobila. Stoga je ona bila apsolutno indiferentna prema svakome i svačemu. Zuleika je bila odličan trbuhozborac. Tu svoju veštinu je dovela do nivoa uzvLšene umetnosti. Po njenoj teoriji, reči koje su proizvedene pokretima usana mnogo više zbunjuju ljude i postaju još nejasnije nego štoj'esu. Ja sam bila oduševljena njenim običajem da govori iz trbuha zidovima, stolovima, posuđu ili bilo kojim drugim predmetima. Išla sam stalno za njom kad god se pojavljivala. Hodala je kroz kuću bez dodirivanja poda, bez komešanja vazduha. Kada sam upitala ostale čarobnice da li je to bila iluzija, odgovorili su mi da Zuleika ne voli da ostavlj'a tragove stopala. *
    specijaliste u toj ekstravagantnoj veštini, u tom stanju svesti koj'e oni zovu sanjanjem u budnom stanju.
    One su specijalizovane za ono drago, neobično stanj'e svesti koj'e one zovu "sanjanje u svetovima koji nisu ovaj svet". Rekle su mi da je to najkompleksnije stanje svesti koje žene mogu dostići.
    Kada sanjači i tragači rade zajedno, tragači predstavljaju čvrst zaštitni omotač koji krije duboko jezgro. To duboko jezgro su sanjači; oni su kao mekana matrica koja amortizuje tvrdi spoljašnji sloj.
    Sve te stvari, one su sklanjale da me čekaju onog danakada se budem probudila, govorile su mi.

    Marta je imala običaj da ispušta duge, tužne uzdahe nemačka strana, tvrdila je i česte periode zamišljenog ćutanja, nasledene od indijanske strane njene porodice
    Tereza je bila jedva viša od metar i pedeset ali je zbog debljine izgledala viša. Nije bila tipična Meksikanka. Više je ličila na Induskinju.*

    *Among the many tasks I received from don Berna, there was a whole list of actions to be taken at once. Some were nothing more that simple analysis and acceptance of facts, while other items on the list were practical activities requiring strategy and deliberate action. Don Berna once told me, "Control your feelings and emotions and you’ll take control of your life. Only then will you be free." "Free from what?" I retorted belligerently, feeling threatened by the simple idea of suppressing my feelings, and I even snapped at him that I wasn’t interested in repressing what I felt. Don Berna just laughed, and said nothing. I spent a lot of time pondering the matter. The next time I saw him, I reopened the debate on mental freedom. He accused me of having a closed mind, and said I was extremely inflexible with my cherished concepts. Naturally, I started defending myself. I told him I considered myself a reasonable person, open-minded and willing to receive and learn new ideas. "See?” he said reproachfully. “You always twist everything. Freedom of mind is much more than willingness to learn new things. To achieve freedom of mind you need to be the master of your emotions and of your thoughts. Look at the mind as if it were a wild horse that has bolted. You can only say you’ve achieved freedom of mind when you’ve put reins on that horse and are controlling it as you please. If not, you’ll always be slave to your sentimentalism.” I told him, without much conviction, that I believed I was master of my feelings. He laughed heartily and said: "It is common for people to confuse the concept of feeling with their sentiments." I looked at him, bewildered, and said that for me those two words meant the same thing. Don Berna explained: “It is very important not to confuse the two concepts, because if you do you’ll fall into every trap laid by your mind, and your energy will drain away as if from a punctured hose. Feeling is inherent to being alive. All living things feel. You can verify that in animals and even insects. If threatened, they are afraid. If treated well they feel affection, or even love." “Then what are sentiments?” I asked, now really confused.
    “Sentiments, on the other hand, are the result of the mental process in which we use our memory to evoke certain moods." He regarded me as if waiting for a comment. As I had none, he went on: "So you can see that our sentiments are neither more nor less than mental masturbation. We wallow like pigs in our own excrement and call that sensitivity. I say it is not sensitive at all, but a shameful way to indulge in our vices." I was speechless because of the implications of what he said. I felt that he was referring directly to my weaknesses. I saw myself cornered and threatened by something that I could not clearly define. "There is nothing wrong with feeling,” don Berna went on. “On the contrary, you’d have to be dead not to feel anything. But when you use your memory to recall what you should feel, then you are not feeling at all. What you perceive in that case is a second-hand feeling that has been sullied by passing through the sieve of the mind. “But how can I control my emotions?” I asked, knowing we all suffered emotional assaults from time to time. He replied, "By being deliberate, and not giving in to your vices. It is also most important to have a definite purpose in everything you do. Only idiots go through life reacting to their environment without the slightest control over themselves. They are like marionettes that let themselves be manipulated by every ‘hook’ they encounter. I asked what he meant by hooks. "By hooks I mean the lures of modern life. In the consumer society in which we live, it is hard to go anywhere without someone trying to sell you something, or trying to take advantage of you, or grab something from you. In the city it is hard to look anywhere without seeing an advertisement. All this is designed to get people to react to the environment. That is the way the powers-that-be hold people by the balls. To achieve emotional freedom one must be crystal-clear. When you feel a rush of emotion overtaking you, you must pull at the reins of that wild horse. By doing so you can save huge amounts of energy." I understood don Berna’s lesson. He was right. Most of the time, when talking to myself, I would evoke the feelings that corresponded to the course of my thoughts. I realized that the amount of energy I spent in doing that was indeed exorbitant.*

    *Charity is something you either have or you don’t. One can, of course, pretend to be charitable, but it is not the same thing, since what counts here is a hard-to-explain feeling which serves to connect one with the spirit. However, in the final analysis, selfishness can be successfully used when applying healing techniques on oneself, with excellent results. The next item in the healers’ code one needs consider is one’s predisposition; that is to say, one’s desire, dedication, and the commitment of one’s time to the path. Those who embark
    on the path by their own decision face the great challenge of keeping the flame of their awareness lit. The challenge is the same for the chosen ones, but the work it requires is much easier in their case. Practice is the third requirement of learning how to heal. Clearly, it implies study and training with the help of a master healer who is not an ordinary teacher keeping a student seated before him while he rabbits on for hours, but rather a living example for one to follow, teaching through practice as he works. Being an assistant, which is the healers’ term for an apprentice, is an honour for me and one of the greatest gifts of fortune I’ve had in my life. The practice of healing opened for me a world of possibilities I had not even imagined existed. Healers very often quote the biblical proverb that says: "Many are called but few are chosen". They say that because they are always open and willing to attend to the needs of anyone crossing their path, as a gesture to the spirit. They know that every being is a reflection of the creative force; helping another thus represents the minimum amount of impeccability for them. Deciding on who stays as an assistant and who must leave, however, lies outside the healers’ remit. That outcome is always decided by the power. Doña Silvia told me that there were some lineages of sorcerers that eschewed engagement, and would do nothing even if someone appeared to be dying. For healers, however, life is precious and must be preserved. Taking the healers’ vows is in its essence similar to the vows of poverty taken by some religious orders, but not quite the same, as rich people can be healers if they wish, though it is very difficult for a rich person to set own ambition aside and help others. That doesn’t mean that healers are beggars with shaved heads. On the contrary, they are engaged in various professions in the everyday world. When they undertake to cure someone, they treat the patient with enthusiasm, goodwill and without expectation of reward. One doesn’t charge a tired and thirsty traveller who knocks on the door asking for a glass of water. To do that would be unworthy of the human spirit. The same is the case with the power of healing one receives as a gift that should not be exploited for one’s personal gain. It is thus the fourth requirement of the healers’ code that one does not charge for consultation. The healer who charges is cursed and is a step away from becoming a black magician. Those who turn their charity into a business need to repent, because healing the sick, just like illumination coming from the spirit, must never serve commercial purposes. Healers who do so are cursed forever and will eventually lose the gifts they received, with nothing left them but their trickery. Many are those who have succumbed to the pressure of fame and fortune. It is easy for sorcerers to perform miracles and acquire devoted followers seeking their presence and their words, but one should know that those who combine their personal interests with matters of the spirit will be punished with terrible curses. To sum up, I warn as I myself was once warned: “If you feel that your ambition is greater than your love for others, you’d best abandon the sorcererhealer’s path, since any deviation from its purpose could bring about your own destruction.” The healers’ path must be pure from the beginning. It tolerates no hidden agenda and no diversion, because greed is like cancer that starts very small, but grows and grows, polluting the entire body. There are stories of people who requested to be trained in healing techniques; while externally displaying the best of attitudes, within they were putrid with lust and desire for recognition. One such story I heard tells of a certain Galindo Ornela, who for years faithfully followed the steps mandatory for becoming a healer. When he felt he had acquired enough knowledge, he became a peddler of healing and even opened a clinic in his home town. He
    received money and favours from the residents until one day he was brought down by a mysterious illness. The healer could not heal himself. One may be punished by many calamities, bad luck, illness and even death for breaking the sacred vows of the healers. But none of that is really bad compared to what is yet to come, as the ancients say: when the moment to disincarnate comes, the corrupt healer enters a vortex from which there is no escape. That is his punishment – his sentence – for trying to use the higher powers for personal gain. Each prospective apprentice is therefore repeatedly warned of the dangers they expose themselves to when they take the healer’s oath. If, on hearing those words, one still decides to proceed, one would better be sure one’s purpose is genuine, because if it is not, one would be better off leaving well alone.*


    *"Nesposobnost muškaraca da se povežu direktno sa duhom, je ono što ih tera da pričaju o procesu dostizanja znanja." istaknu ona. "Oni nikada ne prestaju da govore o tome. I baš to insistiranje na tome da znaju kako teže duhu, insistiranje na analiziranju tog procesa im daje sigurnost da je racionalnost isključivo muška veština." * ???

    ......a na kraju ispada da ni kao "vjednici" ne možemo da vjerujemo ??


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  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro i od mene svima!

    29.04.2024. 11:49h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro i od mene svima!

    29.04.2024. 11:49h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, lijep i radostan dan vam želim. Lp

    29.04.2024. 06:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas ujutro pogledam broj posjetitelja , a ono iznenađenje: 59.009.626 dakle pedesettevetmilijona pregleda. Impozantno. Lp

    26.04.2024. 07:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs. Lp

    31.03.2024. 07:20h
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