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Član sara







BIBLIJA JE SVE PREDVIDELA: Amerika je novi Vavilon i zato nameću čovečanstvu da primimo žig zveri!

BIBLIJA JE SVE PREDVIDELA: Amerika je novi Vavilon i zato nameću čovečanstvu da primimo žig zveri!
Gost na YouTube kanalu "Nauka i Misterije Balkan" bio je Goran Nikolić, teolog i istraživač Biblije. Preporučujemo Vam da pogledate celu emisiju i saznate više o brojnim zanimljivim temama.




  • 16.11.2020. 18:46h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ako bi nilo da "ovaj svijet je zatvor" onda bi njegovi/svijetski prvaci ustvari bili naši "tamničari" ?

    Oni bi održavali Strukturu a ona bi podržavala njih (financijski i zakonski) ?

    Svi bismo bolovali od iste bolesti uma a neki bi bili i smrtno ozbiljni ?

    I tu bi nastajala "enormna energetska šteta" stime da bi lavovski dio imao i "astronomske implikacije" ?

    Paradoksalno je da kada bismo i vidjeli Energiju tada bismo i imali Energije ?

    Pa stoga je i trik u tome "kad je nemamo tada ga i nema" !?

    Ruka koja daje je uvijek iznad one koja prima ?

    Briga za druge proizikazi iz brige za sebe ?

    Mi jedni drugima dajemo "naše ja" ?

    Tito je davao Đurđi članstvo u Partiji a da bi ona kao Olimpijka osnažila Partiju koja veliča Tita ?

    Kada neki od "gleda'oca" svojataju Boga tada oni i ne žele u Kraljevstvo nego kažnjavati "griješnike" ?

    Isto je i kad svojatamo Teslu iako i po Tesli nismo Svoji ?

    Ako bi Šah bio kao "odraz naše ego-samosvijesti" ?

    Igra/sport bi se odvijala/okretala na Ravnoj Ploči ?

    Čestica/val,materijalno/duhovno i istovremeno ?

    Superračunalo je Prvak svijeta u Šahu ?

    Nije pitanje hoče li nas Umijetna Inteligencija zapečatiti ?

    Pitanje je kako da se odbranimo od toga i ostanemo Otvoreni ?

    Istanbulska je također samo dio "kompleksnog plana" po kojem svijet sam sebe prilagođava sebi ?

    Trebala bi nam dakle "čarobna Kugla" za dubinsko sagledavanje stvari ?

    Tojest i ako:*Nagual svakoga od nas nije ništa drugo nego odraz te neopisive "Praznine" u kojoj svi ti "svijetovi/terabitovi" postoje* !0'0!

    Naravno da ili i logički je da mi strukturalno identično mislimo samo u različitim opsezima ?

    Pa tako i stalno progonimo neke "vještice" a i da bi bili "sveznajuči" u tom Beskrajnom neznanju" ?

    Kada kritikujemo tada ne osiječamo svoga "brvna" jer nemamo ni jedan "zelen list" ?

    Čim prestanemo sa "vezivanjem i osuđivanjem" i "odašiljanje i privlačenje" zadobija drugačiju sliku/perspektivu ili like "lice samorefleksije u ogledalu beskraja" ???


    *Sudbina ove zemlje bila je u našim rukama. Skupili smo svu svoju hrabrost i učinili ono što se očekivalo od nas, jedinu pravu stvar. Nismo radili ništa. Apsolutno ništa'* . Pravi radnicu su i ne-radnici ??

    *For the pre-Hispanic population, Tonalámatl was the equivalent of what the Bible is today for Jews and Christians. In those days it formed the basis of their society; it was their way of life, their science and religion. At that time everything was governed by the movement of the stars and the signs of the calendar. Those Aztec symbols were carved into what is now known as the Sun Stone, currently on display in the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City. In ancient times pilgrimages were made to pay homage, not to the stone, but to everything it stood for. Today this magnificent work continues to attract crowds who gaze upon it in fascination, without understanding what it means.* - ???

    ***Tonalámatl Doña Silvia was a superb fortune-teller. To make her predictions, she would consult her sacred rings, or wheels of fate, as she called them. She had made them from cardboard and painted them with symbols of Tonalámatl, better known today as the Aztec calendar. By moving the rings, which fit together with clockwork precision, she made predictions and auguries for people. Her consultations always began with the same words: “This is the manifestation of the voices of the gods, as determined by the cosmic dance, Mahmechihua!" Having thus commended herself to divine forces, doña Silvia would ask her subjects their name, date and place of birth, and other background details of their personal life. She would perform some calculations with the information they would give her, then close her eyes and utter her predictions for the subject. Sometimes she also spoke of the people’s past, explaining how and when their life had got into a tangle, or identifying the moment when they had taken the wrong course, thereby causing their current problems. She then advised them on what should be done to solve those problems. For the pre-Hispanic population, Tonalámatl was the equivalent of what the Bible is today for Jews and Christians. In those days it formed the basis of their society; it was their way of life, their science and religion. At that time everything was governed by the movement of the stars and the signs of the calendar. Those Aztec symbols were carved into what is now known as the Sun Stone, currently on display in the Anthropological Museum in Mexico City. In ancient times pilgrimages were made to pay homage, not to the stone, but to everything it stood for. Today this magnificent work continues to attract crowds who gaze upon it in fascination, without understanding what it means. *** In one of her consultations, doña Silvia predicted a future of misfortunes, diseases and misery for the subject. After the meeting, the subject wanted to know how she could be sure of the future she had seen. Doña Silvia replied: "The exterior of a person is the reflection of what is within. You only need take a perfunctory look to know more than half of anyone's life. And with the help of the calendar, it's easy to guess anyone’s odds. It works very well." The subject said, "But mistakes occasionally happen, don’t they?” "Sometimes deviations in the events do happen,” doña Silvia conceded, and then explained: “Since the powers that rule the destiny of all things are in fact an unpredictable force that is always in motion, nothing is final. By and large, however, events follow a course that is more or less coherent, so it is easy to make the calculations." Since we all looked at her questioningly, doña Silvia explained her meaning: "It is easy to see that a person who abuses alcohol or tobacco is more likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver or cancer than those who don’t use those drugs. And it is just as easy to guess the character of people who indulge in vices." We all listened carefully to what she was saying. I noticed that the subject cringed at her words as she went on: “People addicted to their vices are in the grips of self-pity, mercilessly buffeted by its onslaughts. They express it in different ways, but in the end they all show the same suicidal tendency. It is pretty simple to see through people if you focus on their essence. They open like
    flowers in front of you." An assistant jokingly added, "Some of those flowers stink." And we all laughed. *** On one occasion, in response to a request, doña Silvia brought out her calendar rings from the trunk where she kept them and explained their function and meaning: “The largest circle is the universe around us. It represents the great spiral of evolution in which we find ourselves and which perpetually turns back on itself. The things that once were will come to pass again. Because of that, you can predict the future relatively easily. In truth, there is very little new under the sun. The smaller circle inside is the space where things interconnect. That is where we move, do battle and have our successes and failures. That space was created by the gods who sacrificed themselves to provide an example, a path for us to follow. That is why that space is filled with clouds and rays of sunshine: that is to say, with struggles and rewards. In the centre is the face of the Sun. His tongue hanging out symbolically represents the engine of the universe. It is the centre of everything. It is not the physical sun we see every day, but the spiritual sun, the spark of life that animates everything. Through his mouth we can enter the other world. Knife-like, his tongue at the entrance is a warning to those who desire knowledge but do not have a pure heart." Then she explained the meaning of each of the twenty symbols and said: "You should know that absolutely everything that exists in the universe is interconnected, be it visible or invisible. If not a single grain of sand moves without affecting other things, imagine then the effect produced by the sun, the moon and the planets. That is why the ancients looked so carefully at the sky. They concentrated on the movement of stars because there they found the answers to their questions. They saw the movement of the universe as a cosmic dance which communicated with us through the language of rhythm, proportion and harmony. Our forefathers were very patient. They gazed again and again at the ebb and flow of things, and noticed secret relationships between them. They knew they had to ask the right questions to get correct answers from what they observed. They were not crazy like the modern man who sees himself as the centre of all that exists, so that wherever they look, people only see their own reflections. Our ancestors saw themselves and the things around them in proper perspective. They discovered that the land on which they placed their feet was but a small part of a giant being aware of itself. We learned from them that it is possible to contact that awareness. They also taught that it is possible to hook up to a ray of light, whether it comes from the moon or from the farthest stars. Hooked up like that, one can travel to those places. Our ancestors were aware that Earth was much more than just a rock floating in space, and that Sun was much more than a ball of fire. They knew that all the stars were sentient beings because they actually communicated with them: they asked the stars what they wanted to know, and the stars told them. One would be crazy to turn against the universe. When someone acts contrary to its cycle, problems arise: diseases, madness, rages, sorrows. Learning the art of healing, one learns to flow with everything that surrounds him. That is the true teaching; all else – the knowledge of the man of reason – is useless because it doesn’t teach the main thing, which is unity with everything.” Doña Silvia explained that the dance of the stars generated different vibrations, and that each of us was imprinted with a specific vibration at birth. That imprint really influenced our lives.
    "That is why we all fall into one or the other of the categories that exist on the wheel of destiny. What, haven’t you noticed how people form groups, classes and subclasses? Humans share tastes, inclinations, and even physical characteristics. That is due to the vibrations that marked us." Doña Silvia gave us lessons on the alleged similarities between facial types, hands, eyes, and other body parts in people. She explained that these similarities had a decisive influence on people’s characters and lives. When asked why healers sought that kind of knowledge so avidly, she replied, “By knowing the harmonic vibration related to them, warriors do their utmost to resonate in unison with that vibration. That is how one achieves completeness as a human being.” *** All this was well and good, but there was something I felt did not quite fit in the description of the calendar. On one hand, healers always insisted that we had to be free and make our own decisions; however, they also claimed that there were forces in the world controlling us and that our destiny depended on our personal tonal or the calendar day of one’s birth. I simply could not reconcile the two ideas. I consulted don Melchor on the subject. As I had expected, his explanation was short. He said: "There is no contradiction. You see yourself as separated from everything else. You must remember that we are all dual beings; we are both tonal and nagual." Hearing him speak of tonal and nagual, I could see that certain concepts Carlos used in his books had indeed stayed fresh and meaningful among the healers. Don Melchor went on: "We are in an inexplicable unity with everything that exists. We are a giant symbiotic organism parts of which interact on numerous levels. In the world of nagual, nothing makes sense. But in the world of tonal, everything is interwoven like the bamboo strips that make this basket. Everything has to do with you and you with everything, so favourable and unfavourable influences are inevitable." I could actually see doña Silvia’s predictions come true over and over again, but not in the way I had hoped. Rather, I had an impression of us all being picked up by a nameless whirlwind whether we liked it or not, everyone fulfilling their destiny.***

    Dakle u Šahu oba Kralja raspolažu sa Nuklearnim,biološkim,kemijskim,konvencionalnim i hladnim oružjem a kojemu treba pridodati u "psihološko oružje" u vidu hiljada dijagnoza i pravnih akata......

    Također je toško razlikovati "dobro i zlo" (bijelo i crno) jer šta ako mi i kao "antropocentrici" i jesmo najrazvijeniji ali i najviše zagađujemo ?!

  • 16.11.2020. 20:38h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "bespoke tranche opportunity"= "CDO" !0'

    Kako završava film "Oklada Stolječa" pa i u kontekstu da nam je trebalo "sto godina" za prelazak iz Geocentrizma na Heliocentrizam a bez da smo morali i "Prstom mrdnuti" !?


    Tojest i šta reči o demokraciji u svezi "Slobodnih Izbora" a i u kontekstu:*To je trenutak kada čovjek rob postaje čovjek slobodno biće,sposobno za pothvate opažanja koji nadilaze našu linearnu maštu.« to je trenutak u kojemu spoznaja prestaje biti sila koja, uobičajenom primjenom i ponavljanjem, određuje prirodu svijeta* ?!

    A kada bi se i "razvalili od smijeha" i usred te "betonske djungle" sigurno bi nas pregazio i neki "Auto-Presretač" ??

    *Odgovorila mi je da samo žene mogu da se valjaju zato što one imaju materice i što se energija uliva direktno u njih; valjanjem po podu one raspoređuju tu energiju po celom telu. Da se muškarac toliko napuni energijom, mora da leži (na leđima-misionarski) i kolena savije tako da se njegovi tabani dodiruju. Ruke mora da ispruži u stranu, da digne podlaktice uvis i prste da drži kao kandže okrenute naviše* ???

  • 16.11.2020. 20:47h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Biblija sigurni nije predvidjela ili i imala u vidu TeleViziju ali je i svakako znala što/tko če se kroz nju Profilirati ?!

    Baš kao i kada neki kažu da Istina je bezvremena............. i može se iskazati riječima ali same riječi su "androidne"  ¿ ¿ 

  • 16.11.2020. 21:23h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Bilo je kasno........

    ......ili *Kasnije je objasnio da je to učinio jer su slike oblik idolopoklonstva koji hebrejska Biblija zabranjuje* ?


    Tojest i ne treba tumačiti doslovno ako *La evolución es ver la energía sin interpretarla* ?

    Uostalom bismo i podilazeči Izralu koji se klanja "Obliku Aviona" mogli i bolje proči u nekim Nabavama !o'o!

    *El brujo busca reducir todas las acciones a un común denominador: vamos a morir y nada tiene importancia. Frente a mi muerte todo es una porquería* ??

    * Hay que acercarse al Intento con energía, y el Intento abre la puerta. 
    - Todo es cuestión de energía. Sin energía la vida no vale un pepino. 
    - El Intento de libertad no decae, no hay marcha atrás.
    - Yo soy el que me decido porque soy el que va a morir. Y si algo quiere volver lo aplasto, y mi decisión es final. 
    - Los brujos tienen un milisegundo para encender su conciencia antes de morir. 

     El Espíritu  

    - Ahí existe algo, no es dios, no es tu papá... Es el espíritu, algo mucho más excitante
    . - El espíritu no es ayuda, es una matriz, algo indescriptible a quien le encantan los gestos???

    I zato volim ovu pijesmu ili ju je ona i ispijevala zdušno -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAWQxIq-9-Q&list=RDf9RCI2vKzgQ&index=5

    *Cuando los brujos dan amor, no lo quitan jamás. Para hacer eso se necesitan cojones de acero* ?!

  • 16.11.2020. 23:57h

    Član iridaMerlin40

    Emiliov prijedlog

  • 16.11.2020. 23:57h

    Član iridaMerlin40

    Emiliov prijedlog

  • 17.11.2020. 00:00h

    Član iridaMerlin40

    Emiliov prijedlog


Član saraMerlin16 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana sara dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas ujutro pogledam broj posjetitelja , a ono iznenađenje: 59.009.626 dakle pedesettevetmilijona pregleda. Impozantno. Lp

    26.04.2024. 07:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs. Lp

    31.03.2024. 07:20h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    "Tako mi smokve i masline, i Sinajske gore, i grada ovog sigurnog." Kur'an

    24.03.2024. 19:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Cvjetnica. Idemo posvetiti maslinovu grančicu. Lijep dan vam želim!

    24.03.2024. 06:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Lp

    21.03.2024. 06:56h
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