Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član ShadowOfSoul







OD 14.01.2018.

ona glazba, koju slušamo, puno govori o nama

ona glazba, koju slušamo, puno govori o nama
''... odavno već nisam mislio o tebi..''






  • 03.10.2014. 18:22h

    Član shadowofsoulMerlin11

    ajoj, zaboravila sam tu pjesmu uz koju smo "uštekali" u život na tom plesnjaku, par dana prije 15.8.2004.: 

  • 03.10.2014. 18:28h

    Član shadowofsoulMerlin11

    ''I neću više poštovati pravila igre.

    Ne pada mi na pamet napuštati bal u ponoć, gubiti cipelice, naivno vjerovati ružnim vješticama.

    I sigurno neću stidljivo šutjeti kad bi trebalo govoriti.

     Pletem svoju bajku po svojoj mjeri.

    I briga me što pričaju oni, koji žive tuđe priče.

    Ne dotiču me više strijele ciljane u moje srce.

    Podignem glavu, isključim ton i briga me.''

    nepoznata autorica, dobiveno na Facebook-u

  • 03.10.2014. 18:43h

    Član edin.kecanovicMerlin4

  • 03.10.2014. 18:46h

    Član shadowofsoulMerlin11

    uvijek pamtim onu moju malu prvu kuću, gdje sam živjela tih ranih dana djetinjstva.... 

  • 03.10.2014. 20:17h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    Pod svijetlima ovog bezimenog" grada..

    A jeli dobro puhati na hladno /ako neznamo pjevati)!

    Jašta jer kao prvo dišemo na pluča a koja su kao drugo još uvjek naša?

    To se preporuča nakon gledanja Vijesti odnosno da se stresemo ali na svoj način?

    Nema gorega nego kad netko ima boga u Budučnosti i vraga u Prošlosti?

    To je turbo makina?

    Eko E(r)go Sum.


    Kada su došli po trečega ja sam čutao?

    Kada su došli po drugoga ništa nisam rekao?

    Kada su došli po mene više nije bilo nikoga da išta kaže!

    Ili Povijest se ponavlja ali uvijek kao Učiteljica života?

    Inače nema Nastave?

    Naravno mijenjaju se pakovanja i izvođači ali Muzika je ista?


    A jel bi Bilal prvi koji vrbuje?

    Nije jer to svi rade stalno?

    Ali nam zbog njega špijuniraju čak i širu rodbinu a koju možda i nismo znali da imamo?

    Jasno je da nam recimo neče reči zašto njihova neviđena Demokracija šteka na Sudu več 22 godine?

    Mislimo reči nebimo išli u ekstrem da smo imali Isusa koji je radio svoj posao?

    Pa se tako desi da nas otruju aditivima i konzervansima i mi onda čak i molimo uz neke $vece da legnemo da nas režu?


    Kako kaže Toll:Neki egoi če učvrstiti svoju poziciju....?

    E ali za taj slučaj on mora imati boga na svojoj strani?

    Ili barem ličiti na spasitelja?


    Oli recimo i poznato a i podlo:Dobiješ SMS u kojem ti se nude svakojaka sranja i bonusi ali moraš dati Osobne podatke!

    Ovo bi bilo sramotno da nisu okolnosti povoljne?

    Pa se tako skeniraju ne samo naše majke nego i još nerođena djeca a nije utlrazvukom?



    Sad smo se stresli no ostaje pitanje "u čemu"?

    I kako bi rekao Fellini idemo u najdublji "amarcord"......



    Povratka nema a mi sve u reprizama kao da smo..... glu... hi?

  • 03.10.2014. 20:25h

    Član shadowofsoulMerlin11

    ajme, Emilio, a da se ti malo skuliraš?

    kako je meni jednom Irida napisala: "sjenko, skuliraj se" pa daj, hajde, daj shvati da su neki komentari bezvezni ispod nekih članaka....

    pukneš Mein Kampf ispod poezije, pukneš ovo kaj si puknul - neda mi se gu gu gu gguguutati, no ocijeni gdje kaj spada?

    i sad, kad ,,,,, ......................

    idem pajkiti...

  • 01.11.2018. 15:00h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    *no - mind state*

    Ili zašto se trebamo skulirati iliti izgubiti vezu sa "stvarnošču"!?

    ***ht tps://www.amazon.com/Toltec-Secret-Dreaming-Practices-Mexicans/dp/1401947115

    - According to tradition, the worst disgrace for a human being is the separation of the tonal and the nahual. At present they are always separate in our sphere — our egg or aura. When we’re awake, the tonal’s energy moves around our head and the nahual’s energy moves around our navel, spinning the opposite way from each other and never coming together. When we’re asleep, the tonal forces the nahual out through the liver and then the nahual moves upwards to the head. From here it expands into the world of dreams, widening our perception to include the land of the dead, the Mictlan, while we’re asleep. In the morning, before we wake up, the nahual forces the tonal out through the liver, the tonal moves upwards to the head and once again we come back to the person we believe we are, the identity we’ve created for ourselves in the tonal.If, like most people, we’ve dreamed without remembering our dreams, and if we don’t change this with the appropriate training, our dreams will become our future over and over again until we die. According to tradition, this process is known as ‘the moon’s invisible prison’. This refers to the nahual and to our own dreams rather than to the real moon. Our ancestors believed that the mission of every person on Earth was to tear down the moon’s prison and take charge of their own dreams — and their own life.

    - Black Eagle, the pitch-black energy from which everything emanated, as in the Bible, where light originated from darkness. In order to fly, or create, the Black Eagle looked at its reflection, metaphorically speaking, thereby creating subject and object. This initial reflection was called Tezcatlipoca, the smoking mirror. I’m often asked where it’s located, and I can only reply that it’s in the 13th heaven, far from this world and at the same time so close, because
    we are always in it

    - The problem is that most of us live fascinated, hypnotized, inside this mirror and have forgotten that what is doing the reflecting is the cosmos, and that it is there just waiting to be seen, to be observed. This has already been stated around the world in many different ways, from the science of physics, which says that we are made up of a big empty space with a few spinning particles,

    - The idea that the tonal, the waking state that we think is real, along with all we have endured and enjoyed in our life, is only a visual angle is an idea that absolutely fascinates me. Imagine — the illusion in which all of us live is a reflection in a mirror which exists and doesn’t exist at the same time.

    - This is how lucid dreamers are easily identified, and believe me, there are only a few of us who can dream lucidly, although people claim the opposite.

    - So where do we lose our energy? It’s simple: in the waking state. Why? Most of us have an idea of ourselves that’s based on the history we remember, but this doesn’t actually exist in our present life. So we spend all our energy trying to keep alive our story and identity. This illusion makes most of us develop a voice inside our head which attacks us, limiting us with thoughts such as My life is so sad because my parents mistreated me, I can’t get a job because of this economic crisis, I have a terminal disease, etc. Most of us are trapped in old paradigms and beliefs, justifying our way of living to ourselves and others. We live as we dream, and we dream as we live. According to tradition, we create an enemy inside, yaotl in Náhuatl, who sabotages us, puts us in very difficult situations, causes trouble with other people and makes us face our weaknesses again and again until it kills us one way or another — with a disease, in an accident, through an addiction or through sadness. We live in an invisible cell, which, as already mentioned, the ancient Mexicans called the invisible prison of the moon. And who is the moon? She is the sun’s mirror, another illusion.

    - Perceptions of Inverse Reflections
    What do we consider reality when we’re awake? We actually base our beliefs on something we don’t even know, because if we think about it, we can only see our hands and other parts of our body, never
    our face. So, we can only know ourselves by our reflection in the mirror or water or any other surface we can reflect ourselves on. However, we see an inverse image of ourselves, because our right is our left and so we start perceiving ourselves the wrong way from this point on. We also base our lives on what others say about us — people who don’t even know themselves, let alone us. And amazingly enough, this is what we think of as reality. But these are just perceptions of inverse reflections. Armando once said something which deeply moved me: ‘Are you absolutely sure that when others look at you they see the same thing you see in the mirror? You can never know. Do you think it’s worth carrying on creating yourself the way others think they see you or the way you think you see yourself in the mirror?

    - If we can’t see the tip of our nose, this means we’re either asleep or dead; if we die consciously, our mind won’t be trapped in any of the underworlds after the final change that is death.

    - And remember: learning to sleep and dream is learning to die. ***

    Dakle ovo nije bilo ni blizu onome kada bi nam se na glavu sručio neki uragan ili i "Tornado" a koje bismo karmički i zasluživali???

    Odnosno neče "Magicus"  postati nikakva Person'a ali bi i mogao biti "Moon's prison" kada bi bio u srodstvu sa "Umom okovanom Vremenom"??

    I' tako bi zaključio Alan Ford:"Bolje je dati knjigu nego da ti odgrizu ruku" je isto što i "bolje častan uzmak nego nečastan poraz":.

    !!the mission of every person on Earth was to tear down the moon’s prison and take charge of their own dreams — and their own life    oorrrrrr      the worst disgrace for a human being is the separation of the tonal and the nahual !!

    Iz solidarnosti sa nježnijim francuzima - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz6r0TP4FBI

    a inače je mnogo opasnija Shirley & If you go away.............

  • 01.11.2018. 16:01h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ili koliko ste puta......

    ......i to sa punim samopouzdanjem rekli "Sunce" a evo jadni amerikanci i dalje nemaju pojma i šalju čak i "svemirsku sondu" prema tom Misteriju!

    I največe čudo če biti kada otkriju da "svemirska sonda" nije isto što i "energetska sonda"?

    Tada če za prolazak dalje morati tražiti oprost od "Indijanaca" i to 77 x 7 !?

    Trebamo se ipak "prvenstveno" suočiti sa onim - Tko sam Ja................ i to od "Glave"??

    Ili i na niže ako ima i onih na Visokoj nozi???

    Možda svijet i voli pobjednike ali jesmo li mi pobjednici ako stalno i oplakujemo mrtve.

    Ili je sve i mnogo složenije jer evo se međusobno bolje poznaju i generali zaračenih strana nego li vojnici koalicije............ osim po ako izuzmemo boje (šahovski rečeno)

    Aj - am...... je kao kada je gladan sit svega or-li na engleskom *Imagine — the illusion in which all of us live is a reflection in a mirror which exists and doesn’t exist at the same time.*

  • 01.11.2018. 17:28h

    Član iridaMerlin40

    Emiliov prijedlog


Član ShadowOfSoulMerlin11 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana shadowofsoul dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs. Lp

    31.03.2024. 07:20h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    "Tako mi smokve i masline, i Sinajske gore, i grada ovog sigurnog." Kur'an

    24.03.2024. 19:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Cvjetnica. Idemo posvetiti maslinovu grančicu. Lijep dan vam želim!

    24.03.2024. 06:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Lp

    21.03.2024. 06:56h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je i Dan očeva. Sretno!

    19.03.2024. 08:06h
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