Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član anchy







OD 14.01.2018.

Pesimisti su bolji u ljubavi, a optimisti otporniji na probleme

Pesimisti su bolji u ljubavi, a optimisti otporniji na probleme
Pesimisti imaju snažnije ljubavne veze, produktivniji su i veći "ziheraši" nego optimisti, dok one pozitivnog stava krasi bolje zdravlje i veća otpornost

Pesimisti su bolji u ljubavi, a optimisti otporniji na probleme

Pesimisti imaju snažnije ljubavne veze, produktivniji su i veći "ziheraši" nego optimisti, dok one pozitivnog stava krasi bolje zdravlje i veća otpornost

Je li vam čaša na pola puna ili prazna? - ovo pitanje naizgled dijeli optimiste od pesimista. Iako pozitivan stav prema životu blagotvorno djeluje na zdravlje i pesimizam, iako možda zvuči nevjerojatno, ima svojih prednosti. 


Imaju snažnije ljubavne veze

Umjerena doza negativnosti u ljubavnoj vezi može biti dobra stvar, utvrdila su brojna istraživanja. Prema njima pesimisti imaju snažnije veze. Optimistični parovi vjeruju da će se problemi već nekako riješiti bez da se imalo oko toga potrude. Pesimisti imaju niža očekivanja zbog čega se i više trude kako bi uspjeli. 

Uvjerljiviji su i produktivniji od optimista

Pesimisti znaju da uvijek nešto može poći po zlu pa se vole pripremiti i za najgori scenarij. Oni uvijek razmišljaju unaprijed, planiraju i savjesni su u izvršavanju zadataka. Bolje se pripremaju nego optimisti, a istraživanja su potvrdila i da lakše ljude uvjere u nešto nego njihove pozitivnije kolege. 

Oni su "ziheraši"

Optimisti su skloniji riziku dok su pesimisti "ziheraši". Oni donose odgovorne odluke, a sve zato što vole uvijek biti korak ispred svih. Oni vole stvari držati pod kontrolom, piše Care2.com


Imaju zdravije srce

I dok pesimisti imaju uspješniji ljubavni život, optimiste krasi bolje zdravlje. Oni dvostruko rjeđe imaju problema sa srcem nego drugi ljudi, potvrdila je 11-godišnja studija provedena na 5000 ljudi. Također, rjeđe ih muče kolesterol i povišeni šećer u krvi. 

Imaju jači imunitet

Pozitivan stav blagotvorno djeluje na imunološki sustav, a studije su potvrdile da su optimisti otporniji na bolesti nego pesimisti. 

Oni su otporniji

Za razliku od pesimista optimisti se lakše oporavljaju od problema. Oni ne krive sebe što nisu dobili posao, već u tome vide priliku da nešto poprave. Pesimisti će to analizirati i najvjerojatnije svu krivnju svaliti na sebe što će ih još više unazaditi. 

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Pročitajte više vijesti iz rubrike Psihologija





  • 02.07.2015. 10:56h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    Tko u jamu pada i za trnje se hvata...

    ...je kao pojašnjenje strastvenog zagrljaja?

    Optimisti se pak drže podalje od "jame"!?


    Ego je majstor selektivne percepcije
    Zašto je u doba robovlasništva i bilo normalno da bijelac opči sa crnkinjom a nezamislivo da bjelkinja opči sa crncem?
    Može li se u konačnici govoriti o selektivno prenosivim bolestima?
    Zašto bi onda recimo baš oni koji drže do ljudskih vrijednosti bili i zakopčani do guše!
    Zašto ako več u svakoj slabosti vidimo priliku za napredovanje i ne kažemo da smo slabiči?
    Zašto u svakoj rupi vidimo miša i onda sebe zovemo mačkama?
    Zašto se zgražamo nad tuđom golotinjom a sa svojom pomirljivo živimo?
    Zašto nam je teško kad nas snađu teškoče a lakne kad ih nema?
    Zašto bismo morali otiči na sam početak stvaranja a da bismo shvatili zašto se ovo dešava?
    Zašto tamo u Svemiru sunce neprekidno sija nezna ni Obama?
    Zato nam je obama teško ili oboje bolujemo ali jedan ozbiljnije od.... drugog!?
    Znači i da su samo Dvojica na Svijetu bi bilo Gusto?
    I zato se ide Rijeđe izvan Staza! Samostalno?
    Dakle kako vidjeti izvan oblika ako bi to značilo isto što i "car je lud"??
    Zakonski je to nedopustivo i redukovano odnosno uređeno kao duševni poremečaj?
    Ali nadajmo se da če za sto godina unuci današnjih diktatora biti isto tako gorljivi zastupnici "novih" ideja.................
    Ili po Mao-u:Kakve veze ima koje je boje mačka ako lovi miševe.
    Oli:Ne govorimo mi o "svastici" nego ona o nama?
    A i da je "čačkalica" uvijek je isto!
    Ali smo zamrčili po onoj "oni su nam dali svoj um"?
    Mi to zovemo "zavadi pa Vladaj"!?
    U svijetu a izvan svijetine..... je naša inačica u malom ili kao "suza na kiši"???????

  • 02.02.2018. 11:41h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "Kratko i jasno"......

    Tojest kada je netko i "očigledno" kriv dali je tada Vidljivo također i OnO "u čemu" je pogriješio!?

    Odnosno bi bilo:Dali je a kada je Galileo i očigledno zasluživao spalionicu istovremeno i Papi bio vidljiv Sunčev Sustav?

    Dakle kada netko i zastupa KREATORA a ne vidi njegovu Kreaciju onda bi to moglo biti i kao kada i mi na mikro razini kažemo da Pravda je slijepa?

    Naravno da podrivati vjerodostojnost Vrhovnih Autoriteta može otvarati i prolaz Haotičnim silama ali opet ako čekamo "sto godina" i nas može vrijeme pojesti pa sve i ako nam bude odzvonilo za sretan put?

    I tako kažemo i "sve je relativno",kom obojci kom opanci","koliko spolja toliko i iznutra","na vrhu je odraz dna",...... međutim je ipak i malo pravih optimista ili oni koji ne podlegnu pesimizmu oli s vremenom osim možda ako nisu u startu bili nihilisti a što bi se odnosili na "mrtvorođenčad"?!

    Kao dopuna i u smislu " ne ponovilo se" iliti možda pojure za Znanjem pa nam se neče obiti u tikvu:

    ***Glorious will be the day when medical science puts aside their prejudices and benefits from the knowledge of the healers! But that will only be possible through a cultural revolution which alone can make ‘doctorates in energy studies’ acceptable to our universities. Unfortunately, as long as huge economic interests are involved, that revolution will not happen. Large pharmaceutical laboratories that commercialise medicines are the real villains. It is they who sponsor doctors, they who toy with the public health. Not only do they make medicines, they also create diseases for which they subsequently sell us cures. There is no denying that much good has been done by pharmaceutical products: they do help the sick recover. The same results, however, can be achieved much more simply and costeffectively by using natural means which do not have contraindications: plants, salts, massages, cleansing, and energetic balancing. It is simply the matter of choosing the most suitable treatment for each patient. Once people have learned to take care of themselves, everything will be different.

    People will be aware of themselves, and then there’ll be no need for doctors because everyone will know how to cure themselves. In fact, there will be very few diseases because people will know how to prevent them in the first place: how to avoid harmful habits, adopt a balanced diet and appropriate physical activities. That will be a true revolution, like the introduction of latrines, personal hygiene and regular washing of hands were in their time. It would be really great if schools, instead of endlessly teaching useless things, taught students about the functioning and the maintenance of the body as their basic subject. A simple action of this kind could prevent countless diseases. Self-healing is a matter of self-awareness. As our awareness increases, our energy increases with it, and so does our ability to act upon ourselves. That in turn further increases our energy and consequently our self-awareness, thus closing the circle***


    Our ancestors saw themselves and the things around them in proper perspective. They discovered that the land on which they placed their feet was but a small part of a giant being aware of itself. We learned from them that it is possible to contact that awareness. They also taught that it is possible to hook up to a ray of light, whether it comes from the moon or from the farthest stars. Hooked up like that, one can travel to those places. Our ancestors were aware that Earth was much more than just a rock floating in space, and that Sun was much more than a ball of fire. They knew that all the stars were sentient beings because they actually communicated with them: they asked the stars what they wanted to know, and the stars told them. One would be crazy to turn against the universe. When someone acts contrary to its cycle, problems arise: diseases, madness, rages, sorrows. Learning the art of healing, one learns to flow with everything that surrounds him. That is the true teaching; all else – the knowledge of the man of reason – is useless because it doesn’t teach the main thing, which is unity with everything.” Doña Silvia explained that the dance of the stars generated different vibrations, and that each of us was imprinted with a specific vibration at birth. That imprint really influenced our lives.

    That is why we all fall into one or the other of the categories that exist on the wheel of destiny. What, haven’t you noticed how people form groups, classes and subclasses? Humans share tastes, inclinations, and even physical characteristics. That is due to the vibrations that marked us." Doña Silvia gave us lessons on the alleged similarities between facial types, hands, eyes, and other body parts in people. She explained that these similarities had a decisive influence on people’s characters and lives. When asked why healers sought that kind of knowledge so avidly, she replied, “By knowing the harmonic vibration related to them, warriors do their utmost to resonate in unison with that vibration. That is how one achieves completeness as a human being.”

    We are in an inexplicable unity with everything that exists. We are a giant symbiotic organism parts of which interact on numerous levels. In the world of nagual, nothing makes sense. But in the world of tonal, everything is interwoven like the bamboo strips that make this basket. Everything has to do with you and you with everything, so favourable and unfavourable influences are inevitable." I could actually see doña Silvia’s predictions come true over and over again, but not in the way I had hoped. Rather, I had an impression of us all being picked up by a nameless whirlwind whether we liked it or not, everyone fulfilling their destiny.**

    *“Energy is there to be used. It is like a fire whose flame, once ignited, can only be used or wasted. Impeccability means using the energy to generate more awareness. In that process, the warrior always chooses the path every step of which he enjoys, living intensely through every minute because he knows that the flame of life is not eternal. We are truly immersed in a world of mysteries, and the greatest of all pleasures is to unveil those mysteries one by one, like when one is a child and everything is new and vibrant. That is how saved energy enables us to make increasingly longer jumps each time, until we end up taking off and flying. The possibilities for those that manage to save energy are truly extraordinary, as they
    can get to the point where their awareness increases to levels inconceivable to the average man. It is in fact possible to reach total awareness this way.”*

    .......or'rrrrrrr bi to i Niče rekao "oooooo'o razbijte mi stare tablice"???

    Svijet je nevjerovatan i uvijek nov...... oli je sve isto a "svi" su relativni??

    Ponoviti se ili po Noviti..... pitanje je pola odgovora a odgovornost u cijelosti na ponavljaču!


Član anchyMerlin5 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana anchy dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs. Lp

    31.03.2024. 07:20h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    "Tako mi smokve i masline, i Sinajske gore, i grada ovog sigurnog." Kur'an

    24.03.2024. 19:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Cvjetnica. Idemo posvetiti maslinovu grančicu. Lijep dan vam želim!

    24.03.2024. 06:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Lp

    21.03.2024. 06:56h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je i Dan očeva. Sretno!

    19.03.2024. 08:06h
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