Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član bglavac








Pokazali su mi nemirno i burno more s ogromnim valovima.           Onda sam vidjela da je ispod njegove površine divan mir i tišina.   Čula sam riječi:           Traži i nađi duboko u sebi mir koji prelazi svako razumijevanje i           sačuvaj ga bez obzira na ono što se izvan tebe događa. Eileen Caddy

Pokazali su mi nemirno i burno more s ogromnim valovima.

          Onda sam vidjela da je ispod njegove površine divan mir i tišina.

  Čula sam riječi:

          Traži i nađi duboko u sebi mir koji prelazi svako razumijevanje i

          sačuvaj ga bez obzira na ono što se izvan tebe događa.

Eileen Caddy

   Vodič za 01. veljače

U što vjeruješ? Vjeruješ li u Mene? Vjeruješ li da možeš hodati i razgovarati sa Mnom  Vjeruješ li da možeš živjeti ovaj duhovni život u potpunosti i u jedinstvu sa Mnom, da je to pravi život i da nema mjesta u tvom životu gdje ovaj način života ne djeluje? Nađi vremena i razvrstaj i procjeni svoja vjerovanja, a prije svega nauči živjeti prema njima, jer ne uspijeva previše duša živjeti na ovaj način. One o njemu govore ali nisu još dokazale ni sebi ni svijetu da on djeluje. Kad spoznaš Mene u svemu i zoveš Me i tražiš Moju pomoć,sve u tvom životu počinje dolaziti na pravo mjesto. Kad poslušaš Moj nečujni, mirni glas u sebi, počinješ se razvijati poput prekrasnog cvijeta i shvatiš kako je to istinski,  divan život.




  • 01.02.2024. 19:29h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    "Dok nas smrt ne rastavi"......

    Žena - Vrač kaže da joj "sex nikada nije bio bolji" i što onda znači da je več u početku bio nenadmašan a sada i pri svršetku kao "žena koja je na putu da umre" svaki put joj je kao da je i posljednji !?


    "Evolucijski trag" = *Pomoću svog viđenja, otkrili su da je svet energije sačinjen od naglašenih
    oblasti tame, poprskanih malim tačkicama sjaja i primetili su da se ta
    tamna energija uklapa u žensku nadmoć nad upotrebom energije dok
    blještave oblasti odgovaraju muškarcima. Oni su došli do neospornog
    zaključka da je univerzum u svojoj celokupnosti uglavnom ženski i da je
    blještava energija, muškost, retka pojava.
    Po definiciji, uporedili su tamu sa levom stranom, sa nagualom, nepoznatim i
    ženskim principom; takođe, blještavost su uporedili sa desnom stranom,
    tonalom, sa poznatim, muškim.
    Nastavljajući sa svojim posmatranjima, videli su da se čin kosmičkog
    stvaranja događa kada tama univerzuma počne da se grči i iz toga se rađa
    eksplozija svetlosti, bljesak koji se širi, dajući početak ustrojstvu vremena i
    prostora. Pravilo ovog ustrojstva je da stvari uvek imaju svoj kraj, što
    ponovo ukazuje da je jedinstveni i trajni princip svemira tamna energija,
    ženska, stvaralačka i večna.* ?!


    (*Život je u svojoj cjelovitosti mnogo složeniji nego što mi to priznajemo*) !='=!


    Kadspona života poveže ta osećanja, stvara se jedno biće, biće koje gubi svoju pravu prirodu i postaje zaslep-ljeno sjajem i bukom oblasti u kojoj bića lebde,


    Tako sjedinjeno biće opstoji jedino u


    Kad sila života jednom poveže sva potrebna osećanja,tad neko biće naglo dospeva u


    Već sam ti jednom rekao da


    počinje s rođenjem, a okončavase sa smrću; rekao sam to jer znam da se, čim silaživota napusti telo, sva ona nezavisna osećanja razje-dinjuju i vraćaju onamo odakle su i došla, u


    To što ratnik čini putujući u nepoznato vrlo je sličnoumiranju, s tom razlikom što se skupina nezavisnihosećanja ne razjedinjuje, već se samo malo rasprostire ne gubeći svoju povezanost. Ali u trenutku smrtita osećanja duboko tonu i odlaze svako za sebe kaoda nikad nisu ni bila jedno.«

    »Nema načina da se govori o nepoznatom«, rečeon. »Čovek se može u to samo lično uveriti. Objašnjenje vračeva kaže da svako od nas ima jedan centar iz kojeg se može uveriti u postojanje



    Dakle, ratnik se može usuditi da kroči u

    nagual i

    dozvoli svojoj ukupnosti da se uredi i preuredi na bilo koji od mogućih načina. Rekao sam ti da jeizražavanje


    čovekova lična stvar. Time samhteo da kažem da sam ratnik mora da rukovodi uređivanjem i preuređivanjem svoje ukupnosti. Ljudskoobličje ili ljudsko osećanje predstavlja njen originalanoblik, koji nam je možda najdraži među svim drugima; ali ukupnost može poprimiti bezbroj drugihformi. Rekao sam ti da vrač može steći koji godhoće oblik. To je istina. Vrač koji je došao do svojesveukupnosti može da usmerava činioce svoje ukupnosti da se udružuju na bilo koji način. Svu ovuzbrku čini sila života. Kad sila života jednom pre-sahne, tad više nema načina da se ta ukupnost nanovosabere.»Tu ukupnost nazvao sam mehurom percepcije.Takođe sam rekao i to da je taj mehur zapečaćen,čvrsto zatvoren, i da se ne otvara sve do naše smrti.No on se, ipak, može otvoriti. Vračevi su, očevidno,naučili tu tajnu i, premda svi oni ne stižu do svojesveukupnosti, znaju da takva mogućnost postoji. Znaju da se mehur percepcije otvara jedino onda kadčovek zaroni u


    ...... iliti bi to značilo da več u "rađaoni" dolazi do nepoželjnog sastavljanja ??

    Dakle "sjaj i buka oblasti" a mama i tata mogu imati i najbolju namjeru da im djete uspije "u svijetu" ili i "u duhu/modalitetu vremena" ali na kraju bit če to i opet samo još jedna "suza na kiši" ???

  • 02.02.2024. 02:28h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada i Korlević kazuje da Elon Musk ne samo da ne dela samostalno nego i da mu "Svemirski Program i put na Mars" služi za mazanje očiju a da mu je Glavna preokupacija StarLink iliti i Mreža Satelita na periferiji Kugle Zemaljske tada i mi možemo biti Vidoviti pa i samo Gledajuči neka Opažanja !?


    Tensegritet, dakle, treba vježbati onako kako je najlakše: u skupinama, sam ili oboje. U mojem slučaju, izvođenje tensegriteta u vrlo velikim skupinama bilo je više nego savršeno, i to zato što mi je dalo priliku da vidim ono što don Juan Matus i čarobnjaci njegove loze nikad nisu vidjeli - učinak ljudske mase. Don Juan i šamani njegove loze, za koju je tvrdio da obuhvaća dvadeset sedam naraštaja, nikad nisu mogli vidjeti učinak ljudske mase. Izvodili su magične pokrete sami ili u skupinama do pet sudionika. Za njih su magični pokreti bili izrazito individualni. Ako sudionika ima više od stotinu, među njima se odmah stvori energetska struja. Ta struja, koju šaman lako može vidjeti, u sudionicima stvara osjećaj hitnosti. To je poput vibrirajućeg vjetra koji puše među njima i daje im primarne elemente svrhovitosti. Imao sam sreću vidjeti nešto doista čudesno: buđenje svrhovitosti, energetske osnovice čovjeka. Don Juan Matus to je zvao nepokolebljivom nakanom. Rekao mije daje to nužno oruđe svih koji putuju u nepoznato. Vrlo je važno pri izvođenju tensegriteta imati na umu da pokrete treba izvoditi vjerujući da korist od magičnih pokreta dolazi sama. To treba naglasiti po svaku cijenu. U početku, vrlo je teško shvatiti da tensegritet nije standardni sustav pokreta za razvijanje tijela. Tijelo se, dakako, razvija, ali to je samo nuspojava transcendentnijeg učinka. Prenamjenom neis¬ korištene energije magični pokreti vježbača mogu dovesti u stanje svijesti u kojem su parametri normalne , tradicionalne percepcije poništeni samom činjenicom što su prošireni. Tako izvođač čak može ući u nezamislive svjetove. - Ali, zašto bih želio ući u te svjetove? - pitao sam don Juana kad mi je opisao učinak magičnih pokreta. - Jer si biće svijesti, biće koje percipira, kao i svi mi - rekao je. - Ljudska su bića na putovanju svijesti, koje je trenutačno prekinuto vanjskim silama. Vjeruj mi, mi smo magična bića svijesti. Ako ne vjerujemo u to, nemamo ništa. Zatim je objasnio da su ljudska bića, od trenutka kad se prekinulo njihovo putovanje svijesti, kao uhvaćena u kovitlac i vrte se u krug. Čini im se da putuju sa strujom iako zapravo stoje na mjestu.

    (zato su izgrađene Arene i da bi navijači bili pod strujom iliti i poradi enormne energetske štete sa astronomskimimplikacijama)



    - Kako to ljudi odmiču energiju, don Juane? - Uzrujavanjem - odgovorio je. - Popuštanjem pod stresom svakodnevice. Napori svakodnevice ostavljaju traga na tijelu. - A što se događa s tom energijom, don Juane? - Skuplja se na periferiji svjetlosne kugle - rekao je - ponekad toliko da se stvori debela naslaga, poput kore debla. Magični pokreti djeluju na ukupno čovjekovo biće, i kao fizičko tijelo i kao nakupinu energetskih polja. Pokreću energiju koja se nakupila u svjetlosnoj kugli i vraćaju je u tijelo. Magični pokreti obuhvaćaju i samo tijelo kao fizičku cjelinu koja trpi rasipanje energije, i tijelo kao energetsku cjelinu koja je kadra prenamije[1]niti tu rasutu energiju. - Imati energiju na periferiji svjetlosne kugle - nastavio je - energiju koja nije prenamijenjena, jednako je beskorisno kao i uopće nemati  energiju. Strašno je kad imamo spremljen višak energije kojim se ne možemo koristiti. To je kao da si u pustinji i umireš od žeđi dok nosiš spremnik vode koji ne možeš otvoriti jer nemaš čime. U pustinji ne možeš naći čak ni kamen kojim bi ga razbio. Najveća čarolija magičnih pokreta u tome je što omogućuju da tako skorena energija ponovno uđe u središta vitalnosti. Zato se oni koji ih izvode osjećaju tako dobro i snažno

    (znači treba osmisliti pokret otpora i za eliminisanje skorojeviča)

    "To be a human being involves.more than just being born, living

    then dying," he said. ?, It means to expand one's potential by going

    beyond known boundaries of one's existence and leaping into the

    unknown. For to have a body is not to merely be so much flesh and bone

    that has to be fed and kept alive at any cost.

    "To be alive," he stressed, "is to be aware, to be a point of

    view that. never knows its own limits. Nevertheless, one must try to

    comprehend one's nature, to intuit from a finite perspective, one's

    infinite possibilities." , ,

    Don Juan said that another precept of the stalker was never to

    know what he was, but to always act as if he did know. To flesh out'

    reality and then discard it." ',

    "That's what it means to be alive," he said. "To intuitively

    grasp the wonder of the world, and to boldly leap into the infinite in

    spite of our rational limitations. To link our breath with anything we


    can imagine, until we become so fluid and unknown to ourselves, that

    we become the unimaginable. To stalk with the double is to attempt to

    touched the bottomless springs of our mysterious origins."

    Don Juan suggested that I sit quietly for a moment and contemplate what he had said, for changing shapes in the tradition of the

    sorcerers was a deliberate act of not-doing of the body, a complex

    maneuver of stalking.

    "Only by departing from inner silence can one reach the deep

    level of awareness that will allow us to grasp and move intuitively,"

    "Give your breath and energy to perpetuate the social person, and

    your real nature remains forever obscured," don Juan warned. "For the

    self, or the social, cultural image that one enhances with one's life

    . . . , . . . ~ .. force, is a mistake. It is only a way of thinking and talking, and not

    what we are at all.''

    He admitted that our true nature is one with the underlying force

    that sorcerers call the Eagle. Seers can see its energy flowing

    through us and making up our very being; and we must humbly acknowledge that life force, or we remain blind to everything around us. I

    wanted don Juan to tell me more about this mysterious power that acts

    through us. He shrugged and replied that there was nothing more to say

    about it; that, we simply were different aspects of the Eagle's

    emanations, just as was everything else in existence.

    I pressed him to elaborate on its attributes.

    "Sorcerers have been unable to unravel its mystery even though

    throughout antiquity, seers have put all their etforts into attempting

    to understanding it. And because of this inablity they called it the

    Great Unfathomable. The old sorcerers called it the Eagle because it

    stands with its beak open ready to devour awareness at the moment of

    death. Its emanations are commands because we must follow them, just

    as planets must follow their orbits in the sky. Those who humbly

    acquiesce to the Eagle's commands, remain healthy and strong; those

    who fight against it, wear themselves out and find an early death."

    He stressed that only by acquiescing to the force that moves us

    can we find well-being and purpose; happiness; fighting against it

    brings disease and unhappiness.

    "In order to create anything," he explained, "we must draw from

    the emanations of the Eagle, from its dark side and bring it into

    being, that is, into the field of awareness of man. This is how

    sorcerers make things happen; this is the true essence of magic.

    Since everything has a dark side and a light side, the dual elements

    of movement and rest, of activity and inaction, things can be flipped

    around. And that is how sorcerers cross the boundaries of the visible

    world into the realm of the invisible."

    "Are you talking about the mythical realm of the Yaqui Indians?"

    I asked.

    'I'm not just talking about the realm ot the Yaqui Indians," he

    stressed. "I am talking about all existence. If your awareness is

    linked to the origin ot all things, you can accomplish seemingly

    impossible feats ."

    "How does one do that?"

    "Follow the natural rhythm of things, and moving with the energy

    around you," he said. "It you want to act, you must be tranquil. By

    the same token, it you want to rest, you must fill yourself with

    activity ."

    He said that when both elements, being and not-being are in

    balance, so that inside we are unchanging and imperturbable, but

    outside we are fluid and changeable, then we reflect the power behind

    all things. He added that in order to reflect the realm of the

    unchanging, we have to suspend our everyday view of the world. He

    stressed that suspending our human judgments is the first step into

    the realm of the unknowable, and for this to take place, quieting the

    internal dialogue is a fundamental prerequisite.

    "Therefore, it is of utmost importance to achieve inner silence

    throughthe practice of the recapitulation, the sorcery passes, and

    all the sorcery not-doing techniques you have been taught," he said.


    "Only in this way can you lose yourself and be one with the vastness.

    (kada imamo točku gledišta tada imamo i stanovište tojest imati državu znači da možemo tvrditi bilo što dok nas drugi ne ospore a židovi su bili Božji narod sve do "krv moja na vas i vašu djecu i stvaranja države)


    The brutal loss of his culture, the Toltec world, and his parents led don Juan

    to the conviction that, before anything else, we are human (Separate, 175).

    His teachings, therefore, are geared to common denominators of what that

    meant. Rather than teaching a red, white, yellow, or black way of looking at

    the world, he taught about perception, and about the alignments of energy

    that enable perception.

    A distinct advantage of this view is that, regardless of philosophical or

    spiritual orientation—such as whether or not one regards himself as having

    a soul—“human first” grounds experience in the here and now, in this life,

    in this world. This concept doesn’t negate God or spirituality. Rather, it can

    be used to enhance spiritual awareness. Instead of defining our experiences

    by occupation, vocation, or nationality, for example, “human first” offers a

    stable, concrete reference point for all to connect with. With that awareness

    we can utilize different spiritual orientations to increase everyone’s quality

    of life.

    Part of the Toltec tradition maintains that an aspect of the human

    condition is that of having energy bodies, and that our initial condition is

    that of being aware. This tradition led don Juan to think that our place in the

    natural order was simply to learn (Teachings, 72). This attitude causes an

    ongoing examination of oneself, and of one’s relation to society, the world,

    and beyond. Doing so brings to life the fullest potential in each person by

    building harmony in all spheres of activity. It also provides an orientation to

    uncover the unknown. Otherwise, there is no true learning. There is only

    repetition and enhancement of what is already known. When you realize

    that you are not separate from the world, for example, you create a new

    reference point. Rather than strive to be an individual, you may find your

    individuality by allowing all life to express itself through you.

    “Human first” is a predilection of Toltecs, a dream they share from which

    other dreams emanate. Making it possible to handle the immensity of

    infinite perception, it furnishes a reference from which to explore. It is a

    practical tool. The lesson of not losing themselves in their dreams was hard_won. And it is that very discipline that generates evolution. I believe don

    Juan generated much of his consistency from his “human first” orientation.

    It was a consistency that helped him effortlessly maintain a delicate


    In its entirety, the Toltec Way is but one path weaving through infinity.

    Like Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism, and a host of other systems, it

    requires that, to follow it in earnest, you must make it your principal path.

    This doesn’t mean you can’t participate with other philosophies. It means

    that you must fully traverse its corridors in order to know it, and then to be

    able to leave it. To use its boost, you must use it. Within Toltec corridors, a

    “human first” attitude balances priorities. It pulls you away from dogma

    into actual experience. Rather than locking you into self-reflection, or

    simply continuing to validate your own thoughts, it enables you to tap new

    avenues of information. While a system may support that endeavor, it

    cannot, by itself, generate total freedom. The knowledge gained would

    always reflect the views within the system, a more elaborate form of self_reflection. If a system requires de-emphasizing psychic abilities, for

    example, its adherents will work to do so. As their skills in handling

    psychic abilities atrophy, they may well issue decrees that all psychic

    functioning is fraudulent. One of the most appealing things about the Toltec

    Way is that it requires its practitioners to take things further, deeper, wider.

    The Toltec Way simply will not rest within the status quo.

    If someone offered you a path better than the one you now travel, would

    you recognize it? Whether you’re a Toltec, a scientist, or a truck driver, the

    challenge is not to escape into a seemingly secure world of dogma but to

    seek knowledge. And part of doing so is understanding that knowledge

    often fits within the parameters of the method used to claim it. Perhaps this

    is part of what led Sam Keen, in his book Fire in the Belly, to reflect that we

    must break free of habitual thinking and define ourselves by our own





    You Do Not Really Know Anything

    Perhaps it has become clear from reading this far that the beliefs, opinions,

    judgments, and agreements that you have preached and defended most of

    your life are really just a lot of smoke. They have no substance, no “reality”

    outside of your own personal passion for them. That is not to say that you

    shouldn’t be passionate. When the warrior breaks her human form and lets

    go of her need to defend or justify her beliefs or actions, she is free to be

    very passionate about life and all it brings her.

    An Apprentice Realizes She Knows Nothing

    “Before I began on the Toltec path, I was convinced that I knew a great

    many things . . . some of them very grand and special. I knew many facts

    about many things, and many wonderful theories about other things.

    Botany, biology, and science fascinated me in college, along with my

    classes in art and drama. I always considered myself to be properly

    educated in a well-rounded sort of way.

    “It was a great relief and release for me when I reached the point in my

    transformation when I realized I did not know anything. The first thing I

    noticed was the changes in the relationship with my parents. They have

    always been very opinionated, and judge anyone who does not agree with

    them. As a child and young adult, I was very afraid of their displeasure.

    Later I just quit relating to them, so I didn’t have to deal with their criticism

    and nagging about my life.

    To know you know nothing is a great knowing. It is the

    basis of the Toltec wisdom. The virtual reality you are

    dreaming in your mind is a description of everything you

    think you know. It is not real—except in your mind. Truly

    understanding this concept leads to the freedom that is

    the goal of the Toltecs.

    “Letting go of my personal importance about my beliefs allowed me to

    listen to theirs without judging them. In fact, I realized I was judging them

    for judging me! Wow. Now I can call and visit them and let them be who

    they are. I know they are going to dream me however they dream me, and

    there is nothing I can really do about. The best thing is, it doesn’t really

    matter. Their dream of me has nothing to do with who I am. I just love and

    accept them, and accept their love, whatever form it comes in.”

    The Warrior Never Assumes to Know

    Once the warrior understands that there is nothing she really knows, she

    stops imagining that she can read people’s minds. In the old dream, all the

    humans are trying to keep their truth secret, while they are trying to figure

    out what the others are thinking. Since one of the rules in the old dream is

    “Don’t ask questions, you might embarrass someone,” everyone learns the

    trick of assuming the answers.

    Nobody stops to realize that their assumptions are very often wrong.

    When the only way to know the answer is to make it up, the odds are pretty

    good that you will be wrong. The basic rule in the dream of the planet says

    that if you embarrass someone, you are a bad person. Your inner judge is in

    charge of enforcing this rule. The fear of being made wrong and punished

    by your own judge is actually more important than your concern about the

    other person’s feelings.

    The Toltec warrior does not believe her judge, and is very willing to ask

    questions when she does not know. She will ask people how they are

    feeling emotionally, if they are pregnant, what size they wear, how long

    they have been out of work, how they lost their leg in the war, or if they like

    being a mother. She asks out of love and a desire to know the story, and

    trusts that if someone is offended, they can take care of their feelings

    themselves—she does not have to protect them. If they do not want to talk

    about it, she does not take it personally

    It is no wonder the victim child’s mantra is “It’s not fair!”

    Love: A New Food for the Parasite

    The first thing the new warrior learns about the parasite during his training

    in the mastery of awareness is that it creates and feeds on fear. In Chapter 9

    you learned all the tricks of the parasite, and its feeding habits. In the

    previous section, you were introduced to an expanded concept of the

    parasite: It is your knowledge used against you, to judge and condemn.

    It is true that the parasite feeds on fear, but it is not the entire truth. The

    parasite feeds on emotions, and it started out in life feeding on love. In the

    openness of the infant, there was only love; the only knowledge was love.

    The process of domestication introduced fear as a way of teaching and

    controlling the behavior of all the human infants. The knowledge they were

    given was based in fear. This was the beginning of the shift to feeding on

    fear, and the birth of the parasite as it has been described here.

    Changing Knowledge, Changing the Parasite

    The warrior changes the diet of the parasite by changing his knowledge.

    By clearing the distorting light from his channels of perception, and

    recapitulating memories that the judge drags up from the past to punish

    him, he eliminates much of the fear-based knowledge in his mind. By

    purposefully adding positive and love-based knowledge to replace the old

    knowledge, the warrior frees his mind to love, and thus offers his parasite a

    new emotional food.


    Not long ago I came across a story which proved that if you cannot control the mirror it will drive

    you crazy. I’ve been giving a lot of courses over the last few years in London, where I learned about

    John Dee, Elizabeth I’s astrologer and magician. One of his favourite magical instruments, which is

    now in the British Museum, was an obsidian mirror. It is said that at first the mirror gave him a lot of

    power, and even revealed to him the angels’ alphabet, but then it started giving him orders, taking him

    away from his land and losing him his fortune. He ended his life partly crazy, travelling from place to

    place at the command of the mirror. The mirror gave him everything, but it also took everything

    away from him.


    Be a warrior; shut off your internal dialogue; make your

    inventory and then throw it away. The new seers make accurate

    inventories and then laugh at them. Without the inventory the

    assemblage point becomes free.

    (mi smo "inventori" ali nam je i inventivnost kontraproduktivna)

    Zapravo, danas gotovo svi

    izgubili kontakt sa svijetom snova,

    pa su ostavljeni u nesigurnoj situaciji od

    ranjivost, koju naravno iskorištavaju

    grabežljivac da zgrabi energiju. "

    Pitao sam ga kako je moguće učiniti što

    Jesu. Kao odgovor, odveo me do mjesta gdje se nalazi

    autobusi s mnogo ljudi koji kruže, mi

    strateški pozicioniramo u kutu od

    gdje smo imali izvrstan pogled na mjesto.

    Neko smo vrijeme tražili ljude koji su išli i

    došao. Odjednom je stavio desnu ruku na mene

    lijevo rame, osjetio sam se kao strujni udar,

    koji je tada postao osjećaj vrlo sličan

    efekt hicuryja. Na trenutak nisam znao gdje

    Bio sam, kad sam shvatio, primijetio sam da stanica

    promijenilo se, bilo je puno mrlja

    osnove koje su plutale između i iznad ljudi,

    bio je to neugodan prizor, pogotovo kad sam vidio

    kako su neselektivno napadali prolaznike.

    Zatim je Don Melchor uperio oči u a

    crvenkasta crna pjega, rekao je da se pogleda, ali bez popravljanja.

    Učinio sam to, promatrao sam je neko vrijeme, primijetio sam

    plutajući iznad gomile, kada

    prišao nekome, ta je osoba dobila

    neugodno i kretao se, primijetio sam da kad ono

    nasrnuli na par, počeli su

    raspravljati, onda je sjena ušla između dva čovjeka

    koji nisu bili daleko od nas, a oni

    završio u tučnjavi, koja je bila izjednačena

    potrebna intervencija policije kako bi se razdvojili.

    Vidio sam kako sjena apsorbira neku vrstu zračenja,

    nalik na crvenkaste pare, koje izviru iz

    ljuti muškarci. Tada sam prvi put vidio

    kako se grabežljivac hrani *




    Ako netko uspije preuzeti kontrolu

    seksualni nagoni, bit ćete slobodni učiniti sve ostalo. "

    “Izbjegavam javno spominjati ovo pitanje, jer jesam

    svjesni da je cijena koju je potrebno platiti previsoka

    većina ljudi, ali, za one koji ozbiljno

    nastoje slijediti Toltecki put, nema druge alternative:

    moraju napuniti bateriju, inače nikad

    nigdje neće otići. "

    Drugom prilikom, govoreći na tu temu, rekao je da je

    erotske industrije, poput noćnih klubova,

    pornografiju i sve seksualne potrepštine koje postoje

    osmišljen od strane grabežljivca da zadrži

    čovjeka, u stalnom stanju eksploatacije



    "Smiješno je vidjeti, poput onih koji misle da su buntovni,

    djelovanje izvan onoga što je moralno prihvaćeno,

    zapravo samo slijede smjernice koje

    nametnuli su nam. Većinu vremena kad vjeruju

    koji ostvaruju svoju slobodnu volju, jedino što čine

    pokoravaju se programiranju koji jebeni grabežljivci

    oni su nas uspostavili. Stoga im ih dobrovoljno pružaju

    dragocjenu energiju. ”*


    * Energija od

    ljudi, jedva dohvaćaju palac, za njih,

    jedini izlaz je potpuna apstinencija. Ja, ne vidim drugog

    staza. "Moje iskustvo je da nitko nije voljan, bez

    Međutim, ako se bilo koji od njih uspio povećati, iako

    bilo je samo malo, vaša razina energije, sama po sebi

    bi li pronašli odgovore koje traže


    Vidovnjaci kažu da masturbacija stvara

    egocentričnost i da su masturbatori općenito

    zatvorenici samozadovoljstva, što je jedan od

    prerušavanje samosažaljenja. Pretvara se u krug

    opaki, nedostaje im kontrola nad samim sobom, i iz tog razloga,

    nemaju dovoljno energije za bilo što drugo, pa je

    ciklus se ponavlja iznova

    Odmahnuo je glavom u znak slaganja.

    sa mnom i rekao da samo oni koji imaju

    odvojio minimum od svoje slike i

    postigao trenutak unutarnje tišine mogao

    razumjeti; dodao je, pozivajući se na knjige, da

    ne troši se trud; rekao je sigurno

    mnogo bi sjemena palo na kameno tlo ali

    da bi neki pali na plodno tlo i da ako poruka

    služila da pomogne i jednom,

    tada bi se sav trud isplatio*** ???


Član bglavacMerlin23 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana bglavac dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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MAGIFON - temeljit uvid u Vašu sudbinu





  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Lijep pozdrav Edin. Drago mi je da si svratio .

    30.11.2024. 18:08h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    Hvala Bglavac, također.

    30.11.2024. 15:30h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam lijep i sretan vikend. Lp

    30.11.2024. 07:56h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi magicusi, danas je Međunarodni dan borbe protiv nasilja nad ženama. Učinimo sve da ih zaštitimo i nasilje već jednom prestane. Lp

    25.11.2024. 08:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je Međunarodni dan tolerancije, pa poradimo malo na tome. Lp

    16.11.2024. 03:29h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas je martinje povodom tog dana želimo sretan imendan svim Martinama I Martinima!

    11.11.2024. 08:14h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Vrijeme leti, sve je hladnije, želim vam ovu nedjelju toplu i radosnu. Lp

    10.11.2024. 09:09h
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