Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član mlabos








Vi niste slučajnost. Postojanje vas treba. Bez vas će nešto nedostajati u postojanju i nitko to ne može nadomjestiti.



Vi niste slučajnost.

Postojanje vas treba.

Bez vas će nešto nedostajati u postojanju i nitko to ne može nadomjestiti.

To je ono što vam daje dostojanstvo, da ćete cijelom tom postojanju nedostajati.

Zvijezde i Sunce i Mjesec, drveće i ptice i Zemlja - sve u svemiru će osjećati da je to malo mjesto upražnjeno i ne može biti ispunjeno nikim drugim osim vama. 

To vam pruža ogromnu radost, osjećaj ispunjenja da ste povezani s postojanjem i da ono brine za vas.

Jednom kad ste posve čisti i jasni, vidjet ćete tu ogromnu ljubav koja vas obasipa iz svih dimenzija.

Rad s Osho tarot simbolima, jedna je od najučikovitijih metoda otkrivanja nesvjesnih (potisnutih) obrazaca, kroz 'razgovor' sa samim sobom...dokazano mojim dugogodišnjim radom kroz vlastito iskustvo i iskustvo ostalih sudionika!



Prijave i info:

Maja Cvjetanović Laboš


 098/953 7245

Grupni i inividaulni tečaj OSHO ZEN TAROTA!

(za one izvan Zagreba, i one koji to žele, također i  putem skype-a!)





  • 07.05.2019. 13:54h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Kada bi ste mo se i......

    ......uvažavali mi bi te smo se i priznavali!?

    Tojest kada bismo i znali da neznamo več bismo Bili na pola Puta?!

    Ali nam naša tvrdokorna predubijeđenja i nedaju da se mrdnemo iz zagrljaja te "nepomične pukotine"?

    A onda nam i oni koji su "puknuti" manevriraju pred nosom pa i po sistemu "predstava-razmnožavanje-samovažnost".....

    Naravno da ta varijabilnost može početi iz bilo koje točke i opisati puni krug.... po "mislim-dakle-jesam"???

    Ali če nas i ubiti sa punom-samovažnošču ako joj dirnemo u...... "Krugove"??

    Tojest i šta misle "pobožni-državljani" o Tome ili čak "provodnici Duha"...... OdNosNo "ne zaključavaj Mene u sebi nego sebe zaključaj u Meni?

    Ili bi reka i Tin a la "Kafić u Kaputu" a po "kurvi Percepcije" ili i "ko'no barici" a kroz Pjesmu "Meni bez mene"?!

    *She kept the pebble she got from the forest spirit in her mouth under her tongue, but it so happened that in an unguarded moment she swallowed the pebble. As time went by, she realized that the stone had been enchanted since she had become pregnant. The wise rulers of her village saw Chimali’s aura and realized that she was telling the
    truth and that her pregnancy had been brought about by the spirit. They took that as an omen. In due time, Chimali gave birth to a son who became the king of his people. Tepozteco was his name, and he was a king so wise that his fame spread way beyond the frontiers of his land. From everywhere, people came to hear his words. The story tells that on one occasion the great king was invited to a banquet at the royal court of Tenochtitlan, which was located where Mexico City is today. He arrived dressed in his usual way, wearing his humble loincloth and leather sandals, but he was not allowed in. He then returned home and put on fine clothes, gold, jewels and precious feathers. Thus attired, he returned to the party. This time he was admitted in and seated alongside the other nobles. During the meal, out of the blue and to everyone’s astonishment, king Tepozteco began smearing food on his clothes and ornaments. When asked why he was doing it, he replied that it was not he who had been invited to the banquet but his clothes and jewellery. The others were profoundly embarrassed. The lesson of this story is that we must look beyond appearances, unlike this baldy here,” Doña Silvia said, pointing at me, “who believes that only external appearances matter. Modern man has abandoned his good sense in favour of vanity. He has become a puppet of fashion and behaves like a clown, only without even the slightest sense of the ridiculous. It clearly shows how people continue to follow the propaganda blindly without ever questioning anything and are thus mercilessly manipulated by hidden forces. The price for emphasising any aspect of the ego is to remain locked up in the chosen detail. Lack of awareness makes the masses behave mechanically and follow stereotypes. Watching them, one doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.*

    "Spirit" je i u dobrom vinu...... a Veritas = *

    Kazao im je da čarobnjaci moraju iz daljine da
    motre na svoj tonal da bi bolje shvatili šta se zaista
    nalazi oko njih. Poveo ih je do jednog grebena s koga
    su mogli da vide ceo taj kraj. Sto se odatle jedva video.
    Odveo ih je zatim opet do stola i rekao da se
    nagnu nad njim da bi im pokazao kako običan čovek
    ne može da obuhvati onoliko koliko čarobnjak može
    zato što je običan čovek tu, na tom stolu i drži se
    svega, svake stvarčice na njemu.
    Onda je naredao da svi redom, jedno za drugim,
    pogledaju u predmete na stolu pa je ispitivao njihovo
    pamćenje na taj način što bi uzeo nešto odatle i sakrio,
    da bi video da li su bili dovoljno pažljivi. Svi su
    odlično položili taj ispit. Ukazao im je na to da je
    njihova sposobnost da tako lako zapamte sve predmete
    na tom stolu posledica toga što su svi razvili svoju
    pažnju tonala, ili, drugim rečima, što su obratili pažnju
    na stvari koje su na stolu.
    Posle toga im je rekao da ovlaš pogledaju u ono
    što je na zemlji pa je potom opet ispitivao njihovo
    pamćenje sklanjajući kamenje, grančice ili bilo šta drugo
    što se tu nalazilo. Niko od njih nije mogao da se
    seti šta je bilo pod stolom.
    Nagual je zatim zbacio sve sa stola i naterao ih
    da jedno po jedno legnu potrbuške na sto pa da tako
    pažljivo pogledaju u zemlju pod stolom. Objasnio im
    je da se za čarobnjaka oblast naguala nalazi tačno ispod
    stola. Pošto je bilo nemogućno zamisliti da se
    može baviti ogromnim prostranstvom koje nagual obuhvata,
    prostranstvom sličnim toj pustoj visoravni, čarobnjaci
    su za svoju oblast aktivnosti uzimali prostor
    tačno pod ostrvom tonala, što je slikovito prikazano
    onim što se nalazilo ispod stola. To je ona oblast koju
    je on nazivao drugom pažnjom, pažnjom naguala, ili
    pažnjom ispod stola. Tu pažnju ratnik može da dosegne
    tek kad sve zbriše sa stola. Kad se stigne do te
    pažnje, rekao je da se te dve pažnje spoje u jednu
    jedinu jedinicu, i da je ta jedinica u stvari sveukupnost
    svakog pojedinca.
    »Ta pažnja ispod stola je ključ za sve što čarobnjaci
    rade«, produžila je la Gorda. »Da bismo došli
    do te pažnje, Nagual i Henaro su nas učili da sanjamo,
    a tebe je učio o biljkama moći. Ne znam na koji su
    način tebe učili da sanjaš, ali nas je Nagual učio da
    to postižemo dugim gledanjem ili zurenjem u jedan
    predmet. Nikad nam nije kazao šta nam je u stvari
    tada činio. Nismo znali da je on pomoću tog gledanja
    hvatao našu drugu pažnju. Mislili smo da nas na
    to tera tek tako, da se zabavljamo. Ali nije tako bilo.
    Sanjari moraju naučiti da tako zure pre nego što postanu
    kadri da uhvate svoju drugu pažnju.
    Prvo što je Nagual učinio bilo je da stavi jedan
    suv list na zemlju pa da me natera da satima zurim
    u njega. Svakog dana bi doneo list i stavio bi ga preda
    me. U početku sam mislila da mi on iz dana u dan
    daje jedan te isti list, ali onda sam primetila da se ti
    listovi razlikuju među sobom. Nagual je rekao da kad
    to primetimo, mi više ne gledamo obično nego zurimo.


    Rekla je
    da ih je Nagual jednog dana sve pozvao da bi ih poveo
    u jednu pustu, stenovitu dolinu među brdima. Načinio
    je velik, težak zavežljaj u kome je bilo svega i svačega,
    čak je i Pablitov radio tu bio. Dao je Hosefini taj zavežljaj
    da ga nosi, a Pablitu je natovario na leđa jedan
    težak sto i onda su pošli svi zajedno. Po njegovom
    naređenju taj zavežljaj i sto naizmenično su nosili gotovo
    punih 40 milja dok nisu stigli na tu pustu
    visoravan. Kad su došli tamo, Nagual je rekao Pablitu
    da stavi sto tačno na sredinu te visoravni. Zatim je
    naredio Hosefini da sve stvari iz zavežljaja rasporedi
    po stolu. Kad je sto bio pun, objasnio im je razliku
    između tonala i naguala isto onako kako je objasnio
    meni u jednom restoranu u Meksiko Sitiju, s tom razlikom
    što je primer koji je njima dao bio mnogo slikovitiji.
    Kazao im je da je tonal onaj red koji zapažamo u
    svom svakodnevnom životu, a isto tako i onaj naš
    lični red koji kroz život nosimo na svojim plećima,
    isto kao što su nosili taj sto i zavežljaj. Nagual je, s
    druge strane, onaj neobjašnjivi izvor koji drži taj sto
    na mestu i liči na prostranstvo te puste visoravni.*

    Buuuuu..... ili zamislite da su na Periferiji vašeg Vidnog polja samo vaša Unutrašnja ograničenja i u smislu Programirane samorefleksije koja vas odvaja od Duha ( i još zdušno ili nas):.

  • 07.05.2019. 14:09h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    I' "to" nam je dovoljno.....

    ......da se zamislimo nad "Industrijskim Spiritom"!?

    Bilo kao:*We are really under cross-fire. The society and the way we live are designed so that we can be constantly “milked”. Reacting to the world, we drain our luminous mass, our precious energy of self-awareness. Generally speaking, what is left barely suffices us to maintain our day-to-day life. That is why people live as they do. They are like automatons: they get up and go to work in order to sell the best time of their life to the highest bidder in exchange for the means to go on living with the sole goal of being able to carry on working to produce more energy for the benefit of the third party. It really is a terrible vicious circle, very hard to break.” *?

    Or:*One is What One Eats One day I accompanied doña Silvia to town, to the market where some friends had a stall with medicinal herbs. While she chatted with people there, I took the opportunity of buying a soft drink and cookies. I was about to start eating them, when doña Silvia noticed and immediately came over, chiding in an angry tone: “You motherfucking bastard!" I looked at her in amazement, not understanding the reason for her anger. I noticed that the people around me were laughing. Pointing at my food, she went on: "You’re poisoning yourself! You are still in the recovery stage, and you are not allowed to eat that shit." She urged me to throw it all into the dustbin. A minute later, we were walking from the market to the square in front of the church. I was still stunned from her rebuke, but she spoke to me kindly, introducing me to what she called "a healthy way of eating." "Healers can eat anything,” doña Silvia said, answering one of my questions, “but they avoid processed foods whenever they can. How much energy can there be in food processed by machines and never touched by human hands? Today, people are guided by what they see on telly. They feed on crap, which is why they are always unwell. If, after a food advert, they have to advise you to eat fruit and vegetables, it means that the advertised food is harmful. It is the same type of advert as the ones where they are obliged by law to state that their product may cause cancer or contains a chemical of some kind. For us, food has to be fresh and freshly cut; either beef or chicken butchered on the day, or freshly picked fruit. Not that frozen junk or animal carcasses dead for who knows how long." Her face showed a strange smile that made me shudder. With shining eyes, and lowering her voice, she added: "If they can, the witches drink the blood of sacrificed animals. They try to take the best possible advantage of the gift of the life that has been extinguished." I felt a slight twitch in the pit of my stomach as I imagined myself having to drink animal blood. But doña Silvia’s stern voice brought me back. "And you don’t need to stuff your belly like a desperate son of a whore who only lives to eat. There are assholes who transfer all their frustrations, fears, and other emotional states to food, then remain fixated on the food and, even when they’re not hungry, still keep gobbling and gobbling it down, like pigs with nothing else to do. You need to give your guts a break from time to time. Occasionally you have to spend a few days on water alone, without any food. Now, for a more thorough cleansing of the stomach, one occasionally needs emetics and enemas. After such cleansing, one must be careful and start eating not for the taste, not because one is hungry, but to feed on the energy of the things you eat." She discreetly pointed out a group of people milling before a stand with barbecued pork. "Did you see the amount of fat that people ingest with their food?" I had to agree, with some guilt, that in effect, the people were accustomed to eating whatever was before them. She imperceptibly pointed at a man and said: "Look! He looks like a pig that gobbles up everything it is thrown." She was referring to a fat gentleman walking on the other side of the park right in front of us. A fat lady came by from the opposite direction, carrying a paper bag full of bread loaves under her arm. The man greeted her as she walked by with difficulty, her enormous buttocks wobbling. Shaking her head and clicking her tongue in disapproval, doña Silvia murmured:
    "I can’t look at her anymore! And then she doesn’t understand why she’s so fat and has such high blood pressure. People abuse bread and pastry to the point where they get ill, and then come crying to us to cure them." I asked: "But we eat tortillas; isn’t that the same thing?" "No!” she replied categorically. “Our tortillas are made with corn ground there and then, by the hands that prepare them, so they preserve their energy level very well. The same applies to all the other food we eat. All of it is chosen and selected to produce maximum yield and vigour." She explained that food fell into the categories of cold, hot, or neutral, and that those were in their turn classified according to their energy levels. Once she had explained the difference between one food and another, she took me to various food stalls in the area and, to test my understanding, ordered me to classify the food they served according to the energy scheme she had explained. I could see that, with rare exception, there was little quality in the food the people ate there. From then on, I started paying more attention to what I ate, so much so that my body learned to demand exactly what it needed, when it needed it and in the necessary quantity. *** I also learned from the healers how to maintain a daily exercise regime. Once I felt better, I began joining in their morning exercises. That kind of activity made me feel good for the rest of the day. Exercise keeps one alert and healthy; it makes one capable of making hard decisions. It is particularly important that intellectual people who spend all day sitting down implement a daily keep fit practice as otherwise that type of person is doomed to disease and rheumatic pains.*

    &:*The Energy Parasite

    On one occasion, Father Gratian, the parish priest of a nearby town, brought a rich and welleducated foreign woman who suffered from sudden fainting attacks for us to cure. The lady said that she had no faith in indigenous healers, but that she had been to see the best specialists there were, and not one could explain what was happening or what was wrong with her. She had agreed to come to us as a last resort. Her arrival caused great excitement, because everyone wanted to see her. I was also curious but, as I was very new to the healers’ art at the time, I did not notice anything special when I observed the lady. Doña Silvia told me later that what had so shocked them all was that this woman carried a ‘pegoste’ clinging onto her energy. A ‘pegoste’ would probably have been described as a baby flyer in Carlos’ terminology. The seers perceived it as a dark spot clutching the lady’s right side and consuming the poor woman’s energy in such a way that it was killing her. It would only wait for her to recover slightly before attacking again. That was what was causing her fainting spells. It took a full cure of cleansing with plants and smoke during which she was kept in quarantine before the lady was finally rid of the clinging parasite. The patient was delighted both by the healing process and the results obtained. She wanted to pay money for the services, but doña Silvia would not accept payment. Instead, she told the lady that if she really wanted to show her gratitude, it would be better if she made a donation to Father Gratian’s church which looked after many orphans. And that was what the lady did.* ili i po "bab"?!

  • 07.05.2019. 14:30h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Tojest i ako.....

    ......su nam psi i najbolji prijatelji pa i u otkrivanju narkotika!

    Zašto se i mi nebi onda nebi mogli upoznavati "njuškajuči od repa"?

    Odnosno bi nam odmah bilo i jasno koliko su posijekli šume oni koji nam naturaju jagode iz staklenika da bi jeli šumske jagode iliti i nas držali u stakleniku!

    Sve ostalo je samo inverzija-verzije jer i znamo da prava Ljubav je prava rijetkost?

    Kao prvo bi morali početi od "auto'fagije" umijesto da izvodimo "lipo'sukcije" a po "rekapitulaciji" bi to podrazumijevalo i suočavanje sa vlastitim "sranjem" a gdje nam i samo sveta Voda može pomoči iako/jer če nam se i "ha-ha dva-oo" i smijati sa "tvrde stolice"???


Član mlabosMerlin14 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana mlabos dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas ujutro pogledam broj posjetitelja , a ono iznenađenje: 59.009.626 dakle pedesettevetmilijona pregleda. Impozantno. Lp

    26.04.2024. 07:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs. Lp

    31.03.2024. 07:20h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    "Tako mi smokve i masline, i Sinajske gore, i grada ovog sigurnog." Kur'an

    24.03.2024. 19:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Cvjetnica. Idemo posvetiti maslinovu grančicu. Lijep dan vam želim!

    24.03.2024. 06:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Lp

    21.03.2024. 06:56h
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