Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

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Član sirena







OD 14.01.2018.






  • 08.10.2016. 09:43h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    Šta je to "placebo efekt"...

    Pa sad ako se radi o slonovima onda bi to bilo kao da ih kao djecu vezuju lancima a kad odrastu mogu držati i na špagi!?

    A onda se kod ljudi događa da grade ogromne građevine samo-važnosti jer "oblik je no čemu se ljudi klanjaju"?

    Na kraju smo si umislili i da "odijelo čini čovjeka" valjda i podsvijesno znajuči da smo zarobljeni u (ni) Formi misli!

    I da ili jest i nije točno da mi u svemirskom odijelu boravimo u svemiru nego smo mi i dalje na zemlji a naša Percepcija se je otisnula.



    P.S:A šta ako bismo "Sanjajuči" mogli otiči i puno dalje koristeči "tamno more svijesti" (TAO i "to je kao tama unutar tame i vrata svemu neshvatljivom")?

    Ali bismo i prethodno morali obrnuti neka ulaganja "iz svemirskog programa".... u Sebe!?

  • 08.10.2016. 10:09h

    Član emilioMerlin2

    ide'm i ja.... ili Čopy-Pas'te

    "Svemir nam naplaćuje porez putem letaka, grabežljive aspekt kozmičke energije. Mi

    su kao kokoši za njih; oni nas vide upravo onako kako mi vidimo stoku: kao izvor hrane. Baš kao

    smo iskoristili drugih vrsta, mi muzu i jedu bez suosjećanja od letaka.

    Da li se ikada zapitali zašto ljudi imaju emocionalne uspone i padove, ili problema s pamćenjem njihove

    snovi, a ponekad čak i detalji na prethodni dan događaja? To je djelo

    grabežljivac koji izdvaja naše najbolje od nas. "

    ". Muzu" Pitao sam ga koliko energije je osoba ostavila nakon što je na taj način On je odgovorio:

    "Ono što smo vidjeli je da je razina svijesti kod ljudi u pravilu ne rastu

    iznad visine palca. Mi možemo mjeriti razinu energije osobe za iznos od

    Vrijeme oni mogu zadržati njihovu pažnju fiksna. Možete provjeriti sami. Poštujte one oko vas

    i vidjet ćete da je teško bilo tko uspije koncentrirati za bilo koju duljinu vremena. Tako je

    jebeno mi smo kao vrsta!

    Čak i ako netko ne pokušati biti pažljiv, on može samo uspjeli učiniti sa

    poteškoće, jer je svijest akumulirane procesom življenja stalno smanjiti

    natrag letaka; dakle, sjaj svijesti nikada ne dobiva za razvoj, jer je

    letači ne dopustite.

    Naš um je zapravo letak savjetovanje nas minute-by-minute da se ponašaju kao imbeciles.

    Zato ćemo provesti naš život gubimo energiju na self-indulgencija i beskorisnih izljevima

    ego. Zašto misliš da je gotovo nitko ne uspijeva zaustaviti unutarnji dijalog? To ne bi trebalo biti

    tako teško svjesna vrsta kao što je naša, Međutim, predator koji nas troši nas ostavlja

    tek toliko svjesnosti da bi nas na životu. "







    We are generally so confused by the hurly-burly of the world around us that it is very difficult to

    apprehend the tenuous oscillation that can be felt when we are silent



    “Theoretical physicists are advanced explorers who use mathematical logic to

    investigate the universe, but even they feel it to be an ineffective and inappropriate tool. The

    proof is that they can’t agree even among themselves, and the unified theory is a fallacy

    explaining nothing.

    Real and tangible worlds exist where time passes in a way different from what is normal

    to us.




    "The knowledge of time is available only to those who investigate it deliberately.”

    I wanted to know what that type of investigation consisted of. He replied:

    "To flow with time, you have to learn to face it as it advances towards you, just like a bird

    which faces the oncoming wind in order to soar, never the receding one.

    By the same token, to face time, you must abandon the tendency to see yourself at the

    end of a line of events, as a participant in the chain of your personal and collective history. It is

    an illusion; the past and the future do not exist. The only thing that you really have is this


    If you want to deal with the oncoming time, you have to dare to live the present. To flow

    with time is to live this moment intensely, accepting or rejecting the challenges that appear on

    our path, learning and experimenting with every new day of our life.

    To live in the present does not mean abandoning oneself to the randomness of the

    moment; on the contrary, it means having the speed to grasp everything the second it happens,

    without passing it through the filter of reason. That way the world renews itself all the time and

    the most exciting possibilities open themselves to us. One thus becomes aware of everything

    that happens around him.

    Living in the present does not imply disregarding past experiences; it means learning to

    see them as they really are: events outside time in the flow of the cosmic intent. That allows one

    to extract accurate lessons from them, and even gives one the capacity to modify them as

    required. That is what recapitulation is for; through recapitulation, you can literally intervene in

    the energy flow of the past.

    A sorcerer who has learned to manipulate the wheel of time can deliberately interfere in

    events as much as the power allows and alter the future in his favour. By doing that, he puts

    himself in the best possible position for the completion of his task.

    The most dramatic effect the wheel of time has on a sorcerer’s experience is the

    realisation that he does not actually exist here or there, because time and space are not as

    absolute as we believe them to be.


    Željeni je rezultat ono što su stari vračevi nazivali zaustavljanjem svijeta,trenutak kada sve oko nas prestaje biti ono što je oduvijek bilo.«

    »Taj je trenutak za vrača povratak istinskoj prirodi čovjeka«, nastavi don Juan. »Stari su vračevi to također nazivali potpunom slobodom.

    To je trenutak kada čovjek rob postaje čovjek slobodno biće,sposobno za pothvate opažanja koji nadilaze našu linearnu maštu.«Don Juan me je uvjeravao da je unutrašnja tišina prostran putkoji vodi do istinskog ukidanja prosuđivanja - do trenutka kada se osjetilni podaci koji slobodno struje iz svemira prestaju tumačiti pomoću osjetila; to je trenutak u kojemu spoznaja prestaje biti sila koja, uobičajenom primjenom i ponavljanjem, određuje prirodu svijeta.




    Udubio sam se u proučavanje knjiga o mitovima i legendama.Čitajući te knjige, otkrio sam nešto što nikad prije nisam primijetio:svaka knjiga koju sam pročitao bila je zapravo tumačenje mitova ilegendi. Stilovi su se razlikovali, ali pokretačka snaga koja se skrivala iza riječi, u osnovi je bila ista: iako su se autori bavili vrlo apstraktnom temom, kao što su mitovi i legende, uvijek su uspijevali ubaciti nešto o sebi. Ono što je bilo zajedničko svim tim piscima nije toliko bila ista tema, koliko potreba da je iskoriste za sebe. Nikad to prije nisam primijetio.





    »Vidiš,letačev um nema suparnika«, nastavi don Juan. »Kad ne što tvrdi, složi se s vlastitom tvrdnjom i navodi te da povjeruješ kakosi došao do nečega vrijednoga.

    Letačev će ti um reći da je sve što te Juan Matus uči čista glupost, a potom će se isti um složiti s vlastitom tvrdnjom: 'Da, svakako, to je glupost', reći ćeš ti. Tako nas oni pobjeđuju.«

     »Letači su bitan dio svemira«, nastavi, »i valja ih prihvatiti takve kakvi stvarno jesu - grozni, nakazni. Oni su sredstva pomoću kojihnas svemir iskušava.«»Mi smo energetske sonde koje je stvorio svemir«, nastavio jekao da je zaboravio na moju prisutnost, »i zato što posjedujemo energiju koja ima svijest, mi smo sredstva pomoću kojih svemir postaje svjestan sebe.


    Letači su neumoljivi izazivači. Treba ih uzeti kao takve. Ako uspijemo u tome, svemir će nam dopustiti da nastavimo.«



    We are truly immersed in a world of mysteries, and the greatest of all pleasures is to unveil those mysteries one by one, like when one is a child and everything is new and vibrant. That is how saved energy enables us to make increasingly longer jumps each time, until we end up taking off and flying. The possibilities for those that manage to save energy are truly extraordinary, as they


    can get to the point where their awareness increases to levels inconceivable to the average man. It is in fact possible to reach total awareness this way.”

     — they did not know how to take advantage of the great opportunity for studying a different culture or exploring new possibilities of perception they had been presented with. Instead, they labelled such acts “devil’s works” for which reason they hunted and killed the indigenous population; the reason they soon forgot because their eyes were focused on the yellow metal the natives despised since they had far greater treasure at hand: the knowledge of a vast magical world. Today, modern researchers – brilliant scientists – struggle to unravel the mysteries of the universe. To that end they build ever more complex and sophisticated spaceships. They do it in full knowledge that, try as they might, they will never be able to traverse enormous physical distances of billions of light years, the real barriers that separate us from other celestial bodies. And the saddest thing is that, were they ever to overcome those barriers, they would probably treat the other races they might find in space the same way the conquistadors treated Native Americans. (It must never be forgotten! All Europeans and their descendants owe them a heavy debt.) Alternative researchers, however, did exist, taking a different route towards deciphering the mysteries of the universe and claiming to have solved, in a practical manner, the question of time and space. Their heirs are the modern sorcerers who, instead of trying to handle things through physics as scientists do, focus their efforts on understanding and manipulating energy, a discipline not yet to be found at our universities. By applying this knowledge, sorcerers travel freely through the universe in an eyeblink regardless of distance, measuring the cost of their journey not in gallons of fuel but rather in intensity of attention. They stress that the secret lies in the manipulation of awareness, where everything reduces to energy. Starting from that premise, they venture out to explore the unknown.


Član sirenaMerlin1 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas ujutro pogledam broj posjetitelja , a ono iznenađenje: 59.009.626 dakle pedesettevetmilijona pregleda. Impozantno. Lp

    26.04.2024. 07:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, želim vam sretan i blagoslovljen Uskrs. Lp

    31.03.2024. 07:20h
  • Član edin.kecanovicedin.kecanovic

    "Tako mi smokve i masline, i Sinajske gore, i grada ovog sigurnog." Kur'an

    24.03.2024. 19:53h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Cvjetnica. Idemo posvetiti maslinovu grančicu. Lijep dan vam želim!

    24.03.2024. 06:34h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi. Lp

    21.03.2024. 06:56h
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