Odigraj "Tarot DA/NE"

Kalendar događanja

Član vjekoslav







OD 14.01.2018.


U osnovama svakog dobrog i organiziranog društva moraju biti ugrađeni planovi i mehanizmi razvoja, odgoja i obrazovanja KREATIVNOSTI, neprekidno kroz cijeli život.

Ppočeci su u najranijoj djećjoj dobi,od vrtića i osnovne škole,srednjeg stručnog i opčeg obrazovanja,pa kroz proizvodni rad,te samog studija u pojedinim oblastima i specijalnostima.

   Nema tog podrućja gdje bi KREATIVNOST bila nepotrebna.Dapaće o njoj ovisi uspiješnost i obostrano zadovoljstvo,od popravljenog zuba,preko svakog uradka,jela odjeće,unutar našeg životnog,radnog i rekreativno -zabavnog prostora.Dakle,IMPERATIV,koji bi morao sjesti u našu svijest,jer on če stvarati preduvjete punoće i smisla našeg bivstvovanja.Pa dokaze netrebamo tražiti daleko,osvrnimo se oko sebe i pokušajmo sagledavati punoću od praznine i smisao od besmisla.Ne treba tu stati,već nešto za sebe isvoje bližnje poduzeti,bolje reći kontinuirano samodjelovati.

   Naglašavamo,dakle početak su uvijek djeca i najznačajnija djećja dob o čemu imamo čak i POVELJU O DJETETU,član 7 OUN-a od 28.11.1959.godine,a koja kazuje;"BUDUĆI DA SVA DJECA POSJEDUJU KREATIVNOST,a ona je zamišljena kao stvaralački procrs (koji se ne može i nesmije kopirati,več poticati i razvijati), zamišljen je tako da bi se njime nešto proizvelo-predmet,ideja ili tijek akcije...

   Traganje i otkrivanje,oblikovanje novih značenja dio je ljudskih prava,koja mu pripadaju od rođenja -prava da nešto zna,želi i cijeni,nešto što će dodati radost i vitalnost svakodnevnih susreta u pustolovini koja se zove život."

   Tako  nam i znanstveno i pedagoški govori Alice Miel sa Columbia University,USA, iz čije knjige "Kreativnost u nastavi"ističemo ovu divnu postavku.A što zapravo predstavlja ta fantastična životna potreba ZA IGROM iz koje sve započinje i njome se i završava.

   IGRA nije svojstvena samo čovijeku,već i drugim živim bićima.Igra se sve živo (posebno intenzivno u mladoj dobi) od riba,čovijeku bliskih delfina,ptica,domaćih životinja,od pasa i mačaka do svih divljih životinja.Uz zabavu i životna škola za stjecanje vještina .

   I na kraju,odrasli ljudi,koji su zaboravili da su bili mladi i imali tu divnu potrebu,da im se igra doduše na prvi pogled čini najbrskorisnijom od svih naših čina,no ona je zapravo najkorisiji od njih i to nam postaje jasno čim uvidimo DA PRODUBLJUJE NAŠU LJUBAV PREMA ŽIVOTU,a pomaže nam da zaboravimo na neumitan kraj.

  Pa eto dragi prijatelji sa ovim skromnim prilogom (potaknnut mlabosom) želim Vam da se malo zapitate,što i kako ja mogu nešto učiniti za sebe i svje okružje ? Sa kreativnim pozdravom, vjekoslav.





  • 01.09.2010. 19:53h

    Član srceMerlin3 apsolutno se slažem sa gore napisanim. kreativnost daje čoveku volju za život, aktivira mu i misli i telo i to nikako nebi smeo zanemariti. u starijim godinama biti čim više kreativan i ponovo pronaći ono što nas je razveseljavalo kada smo bili maleni. a tada smo bili veoma maštoviti. i ako smo imali nekoga da nas spodbudi, kao što je mene moja učiteljica i sestra, ostalo mi je do dan danas ta lepa osobina, koja mi olakšava svkodnevni život. pozdrav
  • 30.11.2019. 10:14h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Ako je ovo gore "na nebu" "Sunce" zašto je ovaj dolje (na zemlji) pougljenisao a ne Uzašao među Zvijezde !?


    Ili mi to tako stvaramo "Prostora" !

    Uviježbavamo "Prazninu i Slobodu" ?

    Prvo se gore opterečujemo a onda i dolje olakšavamo......

    Stalno se mijenjamo u Sadržaju ali nam je i Struktura uvijek identična.......

    Imamo privid kretanja a ustvari stojimo u mjestu i vrtimo u krug.....

    "Tornado" sve pokriva-iznutra ili i centripetalno-spiralno.....

    A koliko bi tek trebalo Kreativnosti za povezivanje "smrt pojedinca je tragedija a miliona statistika = all is one & one is all"  i u kotekstu našeg "solarnog sistema".........

    Tojest se ili sve dešava u "realnom vremenu" ili i "sve je povezano sa svime" nelokalno.......

    I opet ništa od svega toga ako:*Naša normalna percepcija unutar uredenih društvenih odnosa zahteva slepu i vernu povezanost sa svim predmetima percepcije, od kojih ni jedan ne pruža mogućnost za neposrednom percepcijom energije* ???

    Jer i šta nam vrijedi svo to ubrzavanje u razmišljanju ako nam i istovremeno oduzima energiju pa i nemožemo uteči osim u "objekt među objektima" ??

    Kreativnost...... je uvijek povezana sa Kreatorom a sve ostalo su "autorstva" ?!

  • 30.11.2019. 10:51h

    Član emilio-iiMerlin0

    Bogatstvo "unutrašnjeg dijaloga" ili....

    Kada netko sebi daje/stvara Imunitet tada on i nije munjen nego druge drži u munjari ?

    Tojest i kakav bi to bio Imunitet kada bismo Ljubili jedni-druge kao Sebe same !

    Više nebi bilo ni ratova ni bolesti ni smrta !?

    Tojest i o kojoj se onda "imunologiji" radi ako i "ego-samosvijest" nema ni "pukotine u egu"......

    Šta Onda ili sa svom tom Kreativnošču i nije pitanje sada nego bi tada bilo tada:

    .......*The Sorcerers’ Option

    Carlos maintained that a ferocious war over awareness was waged throughout the cosmos, in some ways comparable to the petty wars we in our world fought over food and material goods. He said that this tremendous battle to evolve and to prevail raged on all the levels of existence with equal savage intensity. We ourselves fought one another in that selfsame battle at that very moment. “Aware of the situation, the warrior plans the strategy of his life in the best possible way to avoid wear and tear. By staying alert, the warrior avoids falling victim to attacks, considerably enlarging his energy at the same time.” On that occasion I asked Carlos to explain to me in more detail the concept he called the sorcerers’ option. From his books I had understood that those who did not achieve total freedom were consumed by the Eagle when they died and that was the end of their story. He replied: “In fact, a large scale of possibilities exists for those who die, ranging from instant loss of awareness at the moment of transition to maintaining the memory of self for a certain period of time. Like life, death touches us all but it is not the same for all. Through their investigations, sorcerers discovered ways of extending the duration of individual awareness to its maximum.” “Does that mean that they became immortal?” “Not at all. What I’m saying is that sorcerers managed to find a way of suspending death, not of cancelling it. For them, to die does not have the same meaning it has for ordinary people. For them, the opposite of dying is not immortality, but continued existence. The trick lies in understanding that to be alive does not necessarily mean being an organism; rather, it means being aware. Seers throughout the ages have always been hugely interested in this topic because it has to do with the real purpose of our existence. The ancients used their seeing to investigate it and discovered that energy initially took physical form in order to evolve. Next, the sorcerers observed that, although biological life lasted a limited period of time after which it ceased to exist, the energy that animated matter was eternal. They saw that it was possible, by means of discipline and self-determination, to train that bundle of energy that forms us to become aware of itself. Joining their two discoveries together, those sorcerers-seers proposed to remain aware forever. That is what they referred to when they spoke of attaining freedom: what they were really trying to do was prolong the individuality of awareness as much as they could. Theirs is a phenomenal battle, with the flame of awareness bravely and unceasingly struggling to stay alight. Indeed it is as it has been said, the light of a candle against the glare of a billion stars.”

    The Ultimate Manoeuvre

    The next time I had the opportunity to speak to Carlos, I said that, having considered what he had told me the last time, I had new questions. He looked at me inquisitively, and arched his eyebrows as if to say “let’s hear them”. My curiosity had to do with the way of life and the activities of those who had transformed themselves into inorganic entities. I asked Carlos how they had achieved the transformation. “That is a personal matter,” he replied. “Each lineage has its own goals and its own methods of achieving them. There are sorcerers who have transformed themselves into trees or have buried themselves alive to defy death; other groups believe that body is an obstacle, which is why they free themselves of their physical part at the moment of leaving. Don Juan and his party did not leave even their ashes behind; they left with everything and their sandals. In a most elegant way, they dissolved into thin air. Warriors of total freedom, on the other hand, merge with the emanations at large and disappear forever, consumed by fire from within. They are never heard of again; theirs is truly a journey of no return. Some of them believe that it is still possible to preserve the sense of individuality in that condition. Others think that, instead of being total freedom, merging with emanations at large means total death and nothing more. No one knows what really happens. There are few stories about warriors who opted for that final manoeuvre. The Nagual Julian Osorio was one of them. But the vast majority chooses other, less definitive options, like joining the world of the inorganic beings for example, while knowing full well that their choice implies serious disadvantages, since in that world, like in ours, the individual serves the collective and ends up exchanging the chance of remaining aware for slavery. Another option, of course, is what I‘ve already told you: to try and reach the Dome of the Naguals. Those who took that option are still alive, but the moment will come when they will have to relinquish awareness and return all the experience they’d acquired to its original owner. That is why they call the Dome the graveyard of the Naguals: because regardless of how long they manage to survive, one day they will have to die.”

    The Nagual’s Plan

    During one of our final meetings, Carlos confessed he was feeling a bit sick. Jokingly, he said he was still waiting for the potion I had gone to fetch him years ago. We both had a good laugh, especially when he told me that, at the time he’d phoned me to ask me to get it, he had not even been in Mexico. Taking advantage of the rare opportunity to talk to him privately, I asked him why he charged for his seminars, knowing full well that he had no need of money. I was aware that even though it was not always apparent, the Nagual had a purpose behind everything he did. He replied: "As you know, in the past, Naguals like me helped entire cities pass to the other side where they still exist today. I didn’t want to make an open commitment to the public, but our goal is to prepare as many warriors, in as short a period of time as possible, to make the crossing. You are the witness, Armando, that for many years I offered my knowledge freely, without charging a fee. However, the circumstances have now changed. The Nagual is a provider, and it is his duty to ensure that the members of his party do not lack anything. On the other hand, there is the decision we made, following omens, to teach don Juan’s legacy of freedom to everyone. That is why currently we charge for the seminars. When one learns to intend in dreaming, the possibilities are limitless. We wish to create a place in the other world, free of inorganic beings and unburdened by the old sorcerers’ tradition. We look forward to establishing a more democratic place, with fewer ritualistic procedures; a place where individual rights are respected, and most importantly, where no one is anyone’s slave. We believe it is possible to create a modern version of what the ancient sorcerers accomplished, but according to our own rules. Florinda and the other witches working together are capable of creating what we call the ‘cosmic vagina’, an opening in space-time. Our plan is to leave the world through that passageway. Many scholars laugh when I say this, just as, in his time, they laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said that the world was round and that unknown civilizations existed on the other side of the ocean. It is true that the price is high, both in energy and in dispensing with rationality. Yet it is not impossible to pay, so that sorcerers’ experience is placed within everyone’s reach. All that is required is unbending intent of what one seeks. I know it is supreme audacity on our part, trying to send thousands of warriors to the other world. What a stir that would cause today, with the modern means of communication! Can you imagine? Yes, my critics would believe me then! Don Juan taught, and I have personally been able to corroborate, that the universe is composed of many layers, or dimensions, if you prefer to call them that. Many possibilities exist. It is truly a shame to waste our entire lives on a single and exclusive world view. There are whole worlds waiting to be explored by the Columbuses of our time, and there are many that are infinite.”* ???


Član vjekoslavMerlin1 Dodaj ili oduzmi Merlina

Smatrate člana vjekoslav dobrim članom portala? Nagradite ga Merlinom.


Vitamin C



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  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dragi magicusi, sretan i radostan vam ovaj dan. Uživajte i odmorite se. Lp

    01.05.2024. 07:55h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro i od mene svima!

    29.04.2024. 11:49h
  • Član iridairida

    dobro jutro i od mene svima!

    29.04.2024. 11:49h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, lijep i radostan dan vam želim. Lp

    29.04.2024. 06:06h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Danas ujutro pogledam broj posjetitelja , a ono iznenađenje: 59.009.626 dakle pedesettevetmilijona pregleda. Impozantno. Lp

    26.04.2024. 07:13h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    dragi ljudi, nemojte zaboraviti ići na izbore. Lp

    17.04.2024. 08:21h
  • Član bglavacbglavac

    Dobro jutro dragi magicusi, kako je prošla pomrčina sunca?

    09.04.2024. 06:53h
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